Other Texts Flashcards
Judith - key quotes
Named ‘Scyppendes mægd’
“Hie þæt fæge þegon” (they partook as doomed men)
“Wæs ða eft cuman/leof to leodum” (their beloved had returned to the people)
Holofernes: ‘morðres bryttan’ (perversion of formulaic phrase)
“Medugal” mead mad
Judith - critical response
Fee - in OE version Judith acts merely as a “noble figurehead” for god
Genesis B - key info
Junius MS
Fall of man and angels
Genesis B - key quotes
'Drihtnes geongran' - lords thegns "Sceolde his drihtne þancian" "Se engel ofermodes" 'Alwaldan bræc/ word ond willan' - eating "Holdne hyge" (loyal intentions)
Genesis B - critics
Lucas - whole episodes “interpreted in terms of the Germanic comitatus”
Chemiss - “pride becomes the violation of the social hierarchy”
Cædmon’s hymn - info
C8, Bede
First christian content in AS verse
Cædmon’s hymn - quotes
“Aras he for scome” - exclusion from secular communities
Cynw & Cynh - info
Entry into AS chronicle for 755
Cynew & Cyneh - quotes
“Feoh ond feorh” - (life and money)
“Nænig mæg leofra nære þonne hiera hlaford”
“Feos ond londes” (money and land - different legal positioning (at a disadvantage here)
Cynew & cyneh - critics
White - “lordship was more politically and legally potent than kinship was”
Advent Lyrics - info
Exeter Book
Advent lyrics - quotes
“ðu eart se weall-stan” - god meta
“Dæd-hwæte”, “soð fæste” - angels secularised (brave in deeds, confirmed in glory)
Deor - info
Exeter Book
Refrain: distinctive
Deor - quotes
“þæs ofereode; þisses swa mæg”
“Me wæs Deor noma” - past tense
Riddle 60 - info + critics
Exeter Book
Nelson - paradox of “silent speech”
Riddle 60 - quotes
“Ofer meodubence - muðleas sprecan,/ wordum wrixlan” - paradox
Wife’s Lament - info
Exeter book
1st Person
The wife’s lament - quotes
Heavy pronoun use - ic/me then ‘wit’ (we two)
“Wa bið þam þe sceal/ of langoþe - leofes abidan” - woe is for the one who must await a loved one with longing
Wife’s lament - critics
Scheck - “the woman bereft of her husband is just as lost as the warrior without his lord”
TBOB - info
Æthelstan, event in 937
In AS chronicle