Other Services and Reports Flashcards
A regulatory basis of accounting is considered a?
A regulatory basis of accounting is considered a SPECIAL PURPOSE FRAMEWORK. An auditor may accept an engagement to report on financial statements prepared in accordance with a special purpose framework, and will ONLY be required to issue a DISCLAIMER if there is a SCOPE LIMITATION preventing the auditor from obtaining sufficient appropriate audit evidence, or a QUALIFIED OPINION if there is either a DEPARTURE from the framework or an UNCERTAINTY that the auditor was UNABLE to resolve.
A financial projection provides?
A financial projection provides an INDICATION of the results that might be obtained in the case of the occurrence, or nonoccurrence, of a specific event or circumstance, such as the OBTAINING of a BANK LOAN, the ACQUISITION of an ASSET, ENTERING into a CONTRACTUAL RELATIONSHIPS, passage of a law, or some other event. Due to the potentially confusing nature of a projection, an accountant would want to make certain that its distribution is LIMITED to those who are likely to understand the assumptions made in its preparation, such as a bank with which the entity is negotiating for a loan.
Testifying as an expert witness is?
Testifying as an expert witness is serving as a form of CONSULTANT and is subject to STANDARD for CONSULTING SERVICES. A compilation of prospective financial statements is an ATTEST engagement subject to SSAE.
An auditor is required to?
An auditor is required to be INDEPENDENT to perform an audit and the auditor’s report is required to have the word INDEPENDENT in the title. An OCBOA is an ACCOUNTING FRAMEWORK, not a set of auditing standards.
The three different types of attestation engagements in connection with PROSPECTIVE financial statements?
The THREE different types of attestation engagements that an accountant may undertake in connection with PROSPECTIVE financial statements are AGREED-UPON PROCEDURES, EXAMINATIONS, and COMPILATIONS. A REVIEW of prospective financial statements is NOT allowed.
An engagement to examine an assertion that a schedule is presented in accordance with certain criteria is considered a?
An engagement to examine an assertion that a schedule is presented in accordance with certain criteria is considered a CONSULTING ENGAGEMENT, an ATTESTATION ENGAGEMENT subject to SSAE.
Financial audits under Government Auditing Standards (the Yellow Book)?
Unlike GAAS, reports under GAS (Government Auditing Standards) REQUIRE the auditor to report on the results of TEST OF CONTROLS. The auditor does NOT provide POSITIVE ASSURANCE about the EFFECTIVENESS of controls, including segregation of duties, but DOES REPORT on DEFICIENCIES. The auditor also does not provide negative assurance, including that no evidence of override was discovered.
Under Government Auditing Standards (the Yellow Book)?
In a Yellow Book audit, an auditor MAY, but IS NOT REQUIRED to, provide RECOMMENDATIONS to improve operations. The auditor is REQUIRED, however, to report on the TESTS PERFORMED to determine COMPLIANCE with laws and regulations.
Should an accountant provide assurance in a compilation?
It is NOT APPROPRIATE for the accountant to provide ASSURANCE in a compilation. An indication that the assumptions used are REASONABLE is a FORM of ASSURANCE and should NOT be included. The accountant will want users to be ALERT to the fact that actual RESULTS are likely to DIFFER from FORECAST. The accountant would also want users to understand the LIMITED NATURE of the accountant’s ASSOCIATION with the financial statements including that a compilation is LIMITED IN SCOPE, and that the accountant is NOT RESPONSIBLE for UPDATING the report as events and circumstances occur or change.
Generally Accepted Government Auditing Standards inability to support significant transactions would ?
Under GENERALLY ACCEPTED GOVERNMENT AUDITING STANDARDS the INABILITY of a client to provide documentation to support a SIGNIFICANT TRANSACTIONS would be an indication of a heightened RISK OF FRAUD. There are numerous reasons, some legitimate, that may prevent a client from being able to produce documentation, including the simple human error of misfiling. As a result, the auditor will NOT assume fraudulent activity, including misappropriation of assets, or abusive activity.
An auditor should not knowingly be associated with information that contains?
An auditor should not knowingly be associated with information that contains a MATERIAL DEPARTURE WITHOUT INFORMING users of that departure. When other information is NOT consistent with information in the audited financial statements, and if it is assumed that the financial statements are FAIRLY PRESENTED, the conclusion MUST BE that the other information is NOT, which SHOULD BE reflected in the report. It does not matter if the other information is in the audited financial statements if it is in a document that contains them as the auditor WILL BE considered ASSOCIATED.
When financial statements are prepared under an applicable financial reporting framework other than GAAP, an OCBOA?
When financial statements are prepared under an APPLICABLE FINANCIAL REPORTING FRAMEWORK other than GAAP, an OCBOA, the TITLES of the financial statements would INDICATED the BASIS by STATING it, such as “Statement of income – REGULATORY BASIS” or by using titles that CLEARLY describe what would be included in the statement. Titles like “Statement of operations”, Income statement”, and “Statement of activities” do not indicate the basis of accounting and may be confused with financial statements prepared in conformity with GAAP.
Financial Projection provides?
Since a financial projection provides the client’s PERCEPTION of results that would be anticipated IF certain conditions exist or decisions are made, the report WOULD BE LIMITED to OR RESTRICT the use and DISTRIBUTION to those who UNDERSTAND the conditions or decisions that are the subject of the projections.
Pro Forma Financial information?
ATTESTATION STANDARDS allow for COMPILATIONS, REVIEWS, and EXAMINATION of pro forma financial information; in addition, an AGREED-UPON PROCEDURES ENGAGEMENT may be performed in relation to pro forma financial information, and in all AGREED-UPON PROCEDURES ENGAGEMENTS the practitioner MUST provide a REPORT stating the procedures MAY NOT be SUFFICIENT for the purpose intended.
Pro forma financial statements?
Pro forma financial statements are intended to show how RESULTS of operations and financial position would DIFFER if a particular event HAD or HAD NOT occurred or a particular decision HAD or HAD NOT been made, and is based on HISTORICAL, NOT PROSPECTIVE information.