Other Republic Acts related to Chemical Engineering Discipline Flashcards
RA 10657 is known as
Chemistry Profession Act of 2015
An act regulating and modernizing
the practice of chemistry in the
Chemistry Profession Act of 2015 (10657)
RA 10657 repeals for the purpose of
R.A No. 754, Chemistry Law of the
Aims to promote, regulate and protect the professional practice of
chemistry and to ensure the continued development and high
international standards of the practice of chemistry in the Philippines.
Chemistry Profession Act of 2015
(RA 10657)
refers to the accredited professional organization duly accredited by the Board and Commission to represent the Chemistry profession.
Accredited Professional Organization (APO)
refers to any person who is engaged in the professional practice of chemistry
Registered chemist
refers to any
person who is engaged in the work of chemical
Registered chemical technician
are formal, written
guidelines that outline the ethical principles
and responsibilities expected of engineers in
their professional practice
Codes of ethics
mandates continuous professional
development for all registered and licensed
professionals regulated by the Professional
Regulation Commission (PRC)
The Continuing Professional
Development (CPD) Act of 2016
The Continuing Professional
Development (CPD) Act of 2016 is also known as
Republic Act No. 10912
Key features of CPD act of 2016
Mandatory CPD Requirements.
Accreditation of CPD Providers
CPD Council
Monitoring and Enforcement
a discipline that involves the planning and
construction of complex structures, aiming to guarantee stability and
safety for those who reside or use them
Civil Engineering
Civil engineering law is known as
RA 544
Ensures public safety, maintaining construction quality, and promoting
ethical practices within the field
Republic Act No. 544
RA No. 544 establishes _______responsible for licensing and registering
qualified civil engineers
Professional Regulation Commission (PRC) Board of Examiners for Civil Engineers
helped to improve the quality and safety of civil engineering
projects in the Philippines as only qualified professionals work on critical
RA No. 544
Both disciplines (civil and chemical) deal with the
safe and responsible disposal of waste
“New Electrical Engineering Law is known as
RA 7920
The primary law governing the practice of electrical engineering IN THE PHILIPPINES
RA 7920
RA 7920, enacted in ___, sets key points in registration and licensing, examination, practice restrictions and others.
Electrical engineering and chemical engineering are linked by
environmental regulations and safety standards
regulates the practice of electrical engineering in the Philippines
Electrical Engineering Law
(Republic Act No. 184)
encompasses a wider scope of electrical engineering practice
RA 7920
Laid the initial foundation for regulating electrical engineering in the
RA 184
It is known as the Philippine Mechanical Engineering Act of 1998
RA 8495
current primary legal framework governing the practice of mechanical
engineering in the Philippines
RA 8495
mandates the presence of qualified personnel in every mechanical work, project, or plant in operation.
Section 34 of Republic Act No. 8495
Chemical engineering projects often involve mechanical equipment,
machinery, and processes
exceeding the power threshold
It governs the design, construction, inspection, and maintenance of
boilers, pressure vessels, and other pressure equipment
American Society of Mechanical
Engineers (ASME) Standard
Implementing ASME standards in equipment and processes enhances _______ in chemical engineering projects.
safety and reliability
regulations and
policies designed to protect the
environment and natural resources
wherein these laws aim to address various
environmental issues
Environmental laws
is mandated to implement on a
nationwide scale the 6 important
environmental law
Environmental Management Bureau (DENR)
Establishing An Environmental Impact Statement System,
Including Other Environmental Management Related Measures And For Other Purpose
planning and management tool that will help government, decision makers, the
proponents and the affected community address the negative consequences or risks on
the environment. The process assures implementation of environment-friendly projects
EIA (Environmental Impact Assessment)
The law aims to regulate restrict or prohibit the importation, manufacture, processing,
sale, distribution, use and disposal of chemical substances and mixtures the present
unreasonable risk to human health
Toxic Substances and Hazardous and Nuclear Wastes Control Act of 1990
Example of chemicals that must follow this law RA 6969 are __________, etc. which can cause risk to humans
mercury, cyanide, asbestos,
polychlorinated biphenyls, arsenic, lead
Philippine Clean Air Act Of 1999
The law aims to achieve and maintain clean air that meets the National Air Quality
guideline values for criteria pollutants, throughout the Philippines, while minimizing the
possible associated impacts to the economy
RA 8749
Philippine Clean Water Act Of 2004
RA 9275
The law aims to protect the country’s water bodies from pollution from land-based
RA 9275
Ecological Solid Waste Management Act Of 2000
RA 9003
the law aims to adopt a systematic, comprehensive and
ecological solid waste management program that shall ensure the protection of public
health and environment
RA 9003
Food and Drug Administration is created under
Republic Act No. 3720, series of 1963 (“Food, Drugs and Devices, and Cosmetics Act)
The Food and Drug
Administration Act of 2009
Republic ActNo. 9711
This law is mandated to ensure the safety, efficacy or
quality of health products
RA 9711
A word, phrase, symbol, and/or
design that identifies and
distinguishes the source of the
goods of one party from those of
A collection of individual rights
that you automatically have once
you create an original work that is
fixed in a tangible medium
intellectual Property Code
ra 8293
The rights in a mark shall be
acquired through registration
made validly in accordance with
the provisions of this law
Section 122, RA 8293
A certificate of registration of a mark shall
be ____________ of the validity of
the registration, the registrant’s ownership
of the mark
prima facie evidence
Section 138 of RA 8293 highlights
certificate of registration
A certificate of registration shall remain
in force for
10 years
Consists of immoral, deceptive or scandalous
matter, or matter which may disparage or
falsely suggest a connection with persons,
living or dead, institutions, beliefs, or national
symbols, or bring them into contempt or
Unregistrable Marks (Section 123)
The owner of a registered mark shall have the
exclusive right to prevent all third parties not
having the owner
s consent from using in the
course of trade identical or similar signs or
containers for goods or services which are
identical or similar to those in respect of which
the trademark is registered where such use
would result in a likelihood of confusion
Trademark Rights
The owner of a registered
mark may recover damages from any
person who infringes his rights
Trademark Infringement and Remedies
Reproduction of the work or substantial
portion of the work;
Dramatization, translation, adaptation,
abridgment, arrangement or other
transformation of the work
Economical Rights
To require that the authorship of the
works be attributed to him, in particular,
the right that his name, as far as
practicable, be indicated in a prominent
way on the copies, and in connection
with the public use of his work
Moral Rights
any idea, procedure, system, method or
operation, concept, principle, discovery
or mere data as such, even if they are
expressed, explained, illustrated or
embodied in a work
Works Not Protected by Copyright
There is copyright infringement when
one directly commits an infringement or
benefits from the infringing activity of
another person who commits an
Copyright Infringement and Remedies
may elect, at any time
before final judgment, to recover instead of
actual damages and profits, an award of
statutory damages for all infringements
involved in an action in a sum equivalent to
the filing fee of the infringement action but
not less than P50,000
copyright owner
governs the establishment,
regulation, and dissolution of corporations in the Philippines
Corporation Code of the Philippines
The Corporation Code of the Philippines, officially known as
Batas Pambansa Bilang 68
Corporation Code of the Philippines was enacted in ______
it provides comprehensive guidelines for the
formation, operation, and dissolution of corporations,
covering various aspects such as incorporation, corporate
powers, board of directors, meetings, capital stock, and
dissolution procedures.
Corporation Code of the Philippines
Corporation Code of the Philippines has ______ titles, ____ chapters, and ________ sections
Occupational Safety and Health
Standards Act of 2018
Republic Act No. 11058
Republic Act No. 11058 was enacted on
August 17. 2018
Some key provisions of RA 11058 include the creation
National Occupational Safety and Health (NOSH) Program
The law places emphasis
on preventive measures,
employee education, and
employer responsibility to
ensure the well-being of
workers in various
Occupational Safety and Health
Standards Act of 2018
aims to ensure the safety and stability of
structures, promote public health and welfare, and regulate
the construction and use of buildings and other structures.
The National Building Code of the
The National Building Code of the
Republic Act No. 6541
Philippine Mechanical Act of 1998
Republic Act No. 8495
An Act to regulate the practice of Electrical Engineering
in the Philippines to provide for the licensing and
registration of Electrical Engineers and Electricians and
for other purposes
Republic Act No. 184 ( June 21, 1947 )
An Act providing for a more responsive and
comprehensive regulation for the practice, licensing, and
registration of Electrical Engineers and Electricians
Republic Act No. 7920: February 24, 1995
New Electrical Engineering Law
Republic Act No. 7920: February 24, 1995
Latest board members of EE
▪ Engr. Francis V. Mapile, Chairman and Engr. Jaime V. Mendoza, Member
Philippine Environmental Impact
Statement System (PEISS)of 1978
Presidential Decree No. 1586
national framework for all
environmental impact assessment activities
Philippine Environmental Impact
Statement System
projects are categorized as environmentally
critical or non-critical.
Environmentally critical projects require an
Environmental Compliance Certificate (ECC)
Addresses the climate vulnerability of the Philippines and its
Climate Change Act of 2009
Climate Change Act of 2009
Republic Act No. 9729
RA 9729 created the ___________, chaired by the
President of the Republic of the Philippines
Climate Change Commission
established as the central entity for climate-related
plans and programs.
Climate Change Commission
Philippine Disaster Risk Reduction
and Management Act of 2010
Republic Act No. 10121
The National Disaster Coordinating Council (NDCC) evolved into
the National Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Council
serves as the lead agency for disaster-related
programs, including the development of comprehensive guides
Two disaster related programs
National Disaster Risk Reduction and Management
Framework (NDRRMF) and National Disaster Risk Reduction and
Management Plan (NDRRMP).
Toxic Substances and Hazardous and
Nuclear Wastes Control Act of 1990
(Republic Act No. 6969)
Prohibits importation, manufacturing, processing, sale,
distribution, use, and disposal of substances posing
unreasonable risks to health and the environment
Republic Act No. 6969
Philippine Clean Air Act of 1999
Republic Act No. 8749
Ecological Solid Waste
Management Act of 2000
Republic Act No. 9003
Philippine Clean Water Act of 2004
Republic Act No. 9275
Food and Drug Administration
(FDA) Act of 2009
Republic Act No. 9711
Food Safety Act of 2013
Republic Act No. 10611