International Standard Organization Flashcards
What does ISO means
International Organization for Standardization
Motto of ISO
Global standards for
trusted goods and
globally recognized body that develops and
publishes international standards to ensure the quality,
safety, and efficiency of products, services, and
systems across various industries
ISO is established in
ISO brings together experts from
different countries to create_________
standards that facilitate international trade and
promote innovation
The conference of national standardizing organizations which
established ISO took place in _______ from ___________
London from 14 to 26 October, 1946.
ISO was born from the union of two organizations
ISA is
International Federation of the National Standardizing Association
ISA was established in ________ and administered from _______
New York, 1926; Switzerland
UNSCC is known as
United Nations Standards Coordinating Committee
UNSCC is established only in _____, and admnistered in _______
1944; London
In ___________
delegates from _______
countries meet to discuss
the future of International
London, in 1946, 65, 25
In _____, ISO officially comes into
existence with _______
technical committees
1947; 67
groups of experts focusing on a specific subject
technical committees
The first ISO standard was established on ________ and was _________ published
1951, Standard reference temperature for industrial length measurements
In ______, ISO publishes the
standard ISO ________ on quantities
and units
1960, 31
ISO 31 is replaced with
ISO 80000
ISO 31 is based on _______
IN _______, ISO creates its first two technical
committees in the environmental
field: ___________
1971; Air quality, water quality
ISO publishes its first quality management standard
in 1987 and ISO 9000 Family
in the ________family have gone
on to become some of the most
well known and best selling
ISO 9000
In ______, ISO launches its environmental
management system standard, I__________
1996; ISO 14001
The standard provides tools
for companies and organizations to
help them identify and control their
environmental impact
ISO 14001
Launch of ISO 26000
the first
International Standard providing
guidelines for social responsibility
ISO 26000
has established itself as
a global benchmark for
organizations that care about their
impacts on wider society.
ISO 26000
provides public and
private sector organizations with
management strategies to
increase energy efficiency, reduce
costs and improve energy
ISO 50001 in 2011
Occupational health and safety
management system
Requirements with guidance for
use, is a new International Standard
designed to help organizations of all
sizes to reduce workplace injuries
and illnesses around the world
Occupational health and safety
management systems
ISO standards cover a wide range of areas,
manufacturing, technology, healthcare,
and environmental management.
These standards provide ___________ that organizations can adhere to,
helping to enhance product compatibility, improve
safety and reliability, and streamline processes on
a global scale
a common language and
set of criteria
The ISO 9000 family includes the globally
ISO 9001
standard for quality
management systems (QMS) and additional
standards on quality management,176
ISO 9001
ISO 9001 is published by ISO/tTechnical Committee ________
an internationally-accepted
benchmark for performance by businesses
and organizations
ISO 9000
act of overseeing all of
the processes that go into achieving and
maintaining the desired level of excellence in the
creation and delivery of a product or service.
Quality management
Quality management is also referred to as
total quality management (TQM).
The _______appearing after ISO
classifies the standard
t proposes a well-defined QMS (Quality Management Systems), based on a framework
that integrates established fundamental concepts, principles, processes and resources
related to quality, in order to help organizations realize their objectives.
ISO 9000:2015
ts aim is to increase an organization’s awareness of its duties and commitment in
fulfilling the needs and expectations of its customers and interested parties, and in
achieving satisfaction with its products and services.
ISO 9000:2015
ISO 9000:2015 is based on __________ that senior management can apply to promote organizational improvement
seven quality management principles
Understand the needs of existing and future
Customer focus
series of standards developed by the ISO to help organizations to reduce their impact on the environment
ISO 14000
The core of the ISO 14000 family of standards is
ISO 14001:2015
the most popular standard of the ISO 14000 family
ISO 14001
ISO 14001 is the international standard that specifies requirements for an effective
environmental management system
ISO 14001 is a _____ standard that organizations can certify to
Organizations do n o t b e c o m e c e r t i fi e d i n t h e I S O 1 4 0 0 0 s e r i e s , t h e y O N L Y r e g i s t e r t o
i S O 1 4 0 0 1:2 0 1 5
part of the management system used to manage environmental aspects, fulfil compliance obligations and address risk and opportunities.
environmental management system
ISO 26000 was established in
November 2010
helps organizations to identify and address
their social responsibilities.
ISO 26000
Seeks to promote a common understanding
of social responsibility.
ISO 26000
ISO 26000 is more of a ______rather than being a requirement or a set of rules
ISO 26000 is a ________which
serves as a platform for both public and
private organizations to achieve operating
benefits in a socially acceptable manner
guidance document
The primary objective of social responsibility is
to contribute to
Sustainable development
ISO 26000 covers ______ main areas of social
This International Standard specifies
requirements for a management system to
enable a ship recycling facility to develop and
implement procedures, policies, and objectives
in order to be able to undertake safe and
environmentally sound ship recycling
operations in accordance with national and
international standards.
ISO 30000: Ship Recycling
Management System
requirements for a ship
recycling facility considering
Health and Safety Standards,
environmental elements, and
regulatory requirements in
order to carry out safe and
environmentally sound ship
ISO 30000
ISO 30000 applies to the
entire ship recycling process
____________ is the International Standard
for Energy Management, released in __________
and was revised in 2018 that replace the British
and European Standard __________
ISO 50001:2018; June 2011; BS EN 16001:2009.
It specifies the requirements for an energy
management system to understand and
improve an organization’s energy efficiency.
ISO 50001:2018
The standard addresses the flawed perception that we should focus on _________instead of both saving energy and generating
renewable energy.
energy-generating systems
a framework for reducing both
energy cost and consumption and is based on a
management system model that is already
ISO 50001
ISO 50001 follows the _________ continual improvement framework
Plan Do Check Act
specifies the requirements for
the competence, consistency, and impartiality
of bodies providing audit and certification of
energy management systems (EnMS)
conforming to ISO 5000
ISO 50003: 2021
provides guidance on how to
establish, use, and maintain energy
performance indicators (EnPIs) and energy
baselines (EnBs) to evaluate energy
performance in any organization, including
those using ISO 50001
ISO 50006: 2023
measure of energy performance that is used to track and compare
energy performance over time
performance indicators (EnPIs)
reference point against which energy
performance can be compared
energy baselines (EnBs)
provides a framework for
measuring and verifying energy performance
improvements in organizations. It is a
voluntary standard that can be applied to any
type of organization, regardless of size,
industry, or location
ISO 50015:2014
seven quality management principles where ISO 9000:2015 is based
Customer focus
Engagement of people
Process approach
Evidence-based decision making
Relationship management
ISO 26000 covers
seven main areas of social
ISO 50001 provides a framework for reducing both
energy cost and consumption
Measurement and
Verification (M&V) Energy
ISO 50015
Environmental Management
Systems: Specification with
Guidance for Use
ISO 14001 (2002)
Environmental Management
Systems: General Guidelines
on Principles, Systems and
Supporting Techniques
ISO 14004 (1996)
Guidelines for
Environmental Auditing:
General Principles
ISO 14010 (1996)
Guidelines for ISO 14000
Environmental Auditing: Audit
Procedures: Auditing of
Environmental Management
ISO 14011 (1996)
Guidelines for
Environmental Auditing:
Qualification Criteria for
Environmental auditors
ISO 14012 (1996)
Environmental ISO 14000
Management Systems:
Environmental Assessment of
Sites and Organizations
ISO 14015 (2001)
Ship recycling embraces the _______ concept
cradle to grave
was adopted at a Diplomatic
Conference held in Hong Kong, China, in May 2009
Hong Kong Convention