Other problems with pregnancy Flashcards
Features of obstetric cholestasis?
- Pruritis without rash – can get skin trauma from intense scratching
- Starts on palms and soles
- Intense at night insomnia and malaise
- If rash – think Polymorphic eruption of pregnancy (PEP) and pemphigoids gestations
also Epigastric discomfort, steatorrhoea, and dark urine
Ix for obstetric cholestasis?
- LFTs and bile acids
- Viral screen: Hep A, B, C, EBV, CMV
- Liver autoimmune screen: Anti-smooth muscle and antimitochondrial abx- For chronic active hepatitis and primary biliary cirrhosis
- USS abdo – other liver condition and gall stones
Bloods signs of OC?
- Elevated transaminases and alk phos (already slightly raised in pregnancy – much higher in OC)
- Raised GGT
- Mild elevation in bilirubin
- Primary bile acids increased up to 100 fold
Complications of OC?
Maternal: vit K deficiency (coag pathway disturbance), increased risk of PPH
Fetal: Stillbirth – perinatal mortality increased up to 11%, Fetal distress, Meconium passage, Preterm labour, IC haemorrhage
Mx of OC?
- Maternal Vit K from 36wks
- Babies given Vit K from birth
- Fetal surveillance
- Tx to reduce pruritis: Ursodeoxycholic acid, Antihistamine, Calamine
- Delivery at fetal maturity
- In pregnancy – LFTs repeated weekly until delivery/IOL
- Follow up at 10 days after delivery for LFTs – should be normal
Drugs used in OC?
o Ursodeoxycholic acid (reduces pruritis in 1 to 7days)
o Antihistamine
o Calamine
DDx of OC?
• Acute or chronic viral hepatitis.
• Primary biliary cirrhosis (antimitochondrial antibody +ve).
• Chronic active hepatitis (antismooth muscle antibody +ve).
delivery in OC?
induction of labour at 37-38 weeks is common practice but may not be evidence based
PPX of increased risk of thromboembolism?
- Pregnancy is hypercoaguable state. Due to: Increased fibrinogen and factor 8, 9, and 10 and Concentration of endogenous anticoags decreases
- Additional risk for at least 6wks postpartum
- Venous stasis in lower limb later in pregnancy
- Trauma to pelvic veins in delivery increased risk
Obstetric RFs for thromboembolism?
multi pregnancy PET CS prolonged labour >24hrs stil birth preterm birth PPH>1L
Ix of DVT in pregnancy?
Gold standard: Venography with fetal shield
1st line: Doppler USS - less risk to baby - Can directly image clot and lack of compressibility of vein – suggest clot
Describe thromboprophylaxis in pregnancy.
if high risk of VTE (hitory of >1VTE, Unprovoked or oestrogen related
VTE, Single previous provoked VTE plus - Known thrombophilia
or Family history VTE
give LMWH.
Ix of suspected DVT?
Compression duplex ultrasound
Ix of suspected PE?
ECG and chest x-ray
if symptoms and signs of DVT, compression duplex ultrasound - If compression ultrasonography confirms the presence of DVT, no further investigation is necessary and treatment for VTE should continue
the decision to perform a V/Q or CTPA should be taken at a local level after discussion with the patient and radiologist
Compare CTPA and V/Q scan in pregnancy.
CTPA slightly increases the lifetime risk of maternal breast cancer - Pregnancy makes breast tissue particularly sensitive to the effects of radiation
V/Q scanning carries a slightly increased risk of childhood cancer compared with CTPA
Tx of VTE in pregnancy?
LMWH initially
given in dose titrated to women’s booking weight
graduated elastic compression stockings
IVC filter if iliac vein VTE to reduce the risk of PE or in patients with proven DVT and
who have recurrent PE despite adequate anticoagulation.
Tx of massive PE in pregnancy/puerperium?
IV unfractionated heparin
Maintenance therapy for VTE?
Treatment with therapeutic doses of subcutaneous LMWH should be employed during the remainder
of the pregnancy and for at least 6 weeks postnatally and until at least 3 months of treatment
define zygosity?
The genetic make-up of the zygote
dizygotic = non-identical, developed from separate ova that were fertilised at the same time
monozygotic = identical - developed from single ovum divided to form two embryos
Define chorionicity
number of palcenta of a pregnancy
Complications of twin pregnancy?
Maternal: hyperemesis, preeclampsia, anaemia, CS, miscarriage, PPH
Fetal: IUGR, IUFD, twin to twin transfusion syndrome, preterm birth, congenital malformations
What additional antenatal appointments are needed for twin pregnancy?
if uncomplicated dichorionic diamniotic twin pregnancy - offer at least 8 antenatal appointments
When is chorionicity most accurately diagnosed?
1st trimester