Other ECG Flashcards
Pericarditis appears as what on ECG?
Upright/elevated T waves
Elevated/Flat or Concave ST seg in many leads (MI ST changes U in just a few leads)
Pericarditis w/ effusion appears as what on ECG?
low voltage in all leads (fluid in way of signal)
(P) Electrical Alterans (if heart rotates in fluid) ->
QRS amp ∆s
PE affects heart how?
Blocked pulm artery causes R heart failure
Typical outward signs on PE?
sinus tachy
(P) distention of RA and RV
PE appears as what on ECG?
SI Q3 T3:
Large S wave, lead I
Deep Q wave, lead III
Inverted T wave, lead III
PE may also cause what other findings on ECG?
RAE signs: Tall/peak P in II, III, aVF
Inverted T waves V1-4
Long QT Syndrome is?
congenital delayed repol a/w vent dysrhy
(U) w/ exercise
(P) v fib, torsdes
Short QT Synd is?
syncope, v arrhy, sudden death
QTc Interval is?
“Corrected QT interval”
HyperK+ appears as what on ECG? (5)
Tall/Peaked T waves, all leads
Flat P waves
1st° AV block
Wide QRS
Merged ST waves -> sine-wave pattern
HypoK+ appears as what on ECG? (3)
U waves*
Flat T waves
ST seg depression
HyperCa2+ appears as what on ECG?
↓ refractory period:
Short QT interval*
Short ST seg
↓ auto, slowed conduction:
Wide PR interval
Wide QRS
AV block
HypoCa2+ appears as what on ECG?
Wide QT interval
(P) progression to v tachy/torsades
Digoxin affects what electrolytes?
Na+/Ca2+ during depol/repol
Slows Na+ into cell
Helps Ca2+ move out of cell
Digoxin affects heart how?
↑ contract/pumping
↓ HR/AV conduct