other conditions Flashcards
what is allergic rhinitis
of the nasal mucosa secondary to an IgE-mediated
response to an allergen. Mast cell degranulation and histamine release
clinical features of allergic rhinitis
Sneezing, nasal congestion and post-nasal drip
• Watery eyes, redness, swelling or itching,
particularly in the nose and palate
treatment of allergic rhinitis
oral or nasal antihistamine
offer intranasal corticosteroid
Nasal douching
What is Sinusitis?
of one or more of the paranasal sinuses (frontal,
maxillary, sphenoidal and ethmoid).
causes of sinusitis?
mucus drainage obstruction
structural abnormalities
management of sinusitis
- Ascertain whether there is orbital
involvement. periorbital oedema - Analgesia: paracetamol, ibuprofen
- Irrigate nose and face pack
- antibiotics if necessary
What is obstructive sleep aponea (OSA)
intermittent complete or partial blockage of the
airway during sleep, resulting in unrefreshing sleep at
night and excessive daytime sleepiness.
Risk factors of OSA
deviated spetum
clinical features of OSA
daytime sleepiness
aponeic perid
investigation of OSA
Polysomnography (sleep studies) are the
gold standard investigation
management of OSA
1 Lifestyle modification, including weight
loss and optimising risk factors, is first line
2 The use of mandibular splints may help
moderate sleep apnoea
3 CPAP (continuous positive airway pressure)
is gold standard therapy
• But bear in mind that patients may find the
use of CPAP uncomfortable or disruptive, and
may not adhere to treatment
what is the consequence of untreated OSA
Diagnosing and treating obstructive sleep
apnoea is important, as these patients may
go on to develop hypertension, AF and other
cardio-metabolic sequelae. This process
is thought to occur because arousal from
sleep provokes catecholamine release. The
frequency with which this occurs over time
leads to an increased associated risk of these