Intro Flashcards
What is hiccups?
involuntary contraction of the inspiratory muscles and diaphragms
The sound is due to the glottis closing
How to treat hiccups?
haloperidol or chlorpromazine
alternately baclofen or domperidone
Oxygenated blood absorbs red or IR light?
red light
deoxygenated blood absorbs red or IR light
What can cause a high V/Q mismatch? (the average value is 0.8)
Pulmonary embolism
Due to the clot disrupting the amount of blood getting to the alveolar capillaries. The Q values gets smaller.
Define FEV1
forced volume of expiration at 1 second from
the point of maximal inspiration
Define FVC
volume of air that can
be expelled, from the point of maximal inspiration
to the point of maximal expiration
That is DLco?
diffusing capacity of carbon monoxide
CO binds to erythrocytes, so the higher the DLco value the better the pulmonary blood volume.
What is TV
Tidal volume
the amount of air inspired or expired during a single breath
What is IRV/ERV
inspiratory/expiratory reserve volume
What is FRC
Functional residual volume=RV (residual volume)+ERV
What is vital capacity (VC)?
maximum amount of air that
can be expelled after maximal inspiration (VC =
What is minute ventilation?
The amount of air inhaled
or exhaled per minute. TV x RR
The higher the minute ventilation the lower the blood CO
What are the cardinal resp symptoms?
Chest pain
Normal ABG pH range