Other Flashcards
micro drop set = ____ drops/ml
60 drops/ml
Equipment needed for fluorescein dye test

32 mm

what do the symbols mean on Equine abdominal ausculation?
+ = normal
++/+++ = greater
+/- = less
- = absent
where to do TTW in horse
1” above “v” created by the sternocephlicus mm (aka about 1/3-1/2 way down the neck)
What is elasticon and what is it used for?

position you do thoracocentesis in
sternal or standing (NOT lateral b/c often dyspnic)
location for abdominocentesis in horses
1 inch caudal of xyphoid
What direction to pull the flexor tendons when doing equine limb bandages

Nerves tested in PLR

shock dose of fluids for dogs
90 ml/kg/hr
what position should dogs be in for cystocentesis? what side do you stand on? and what angle do you insert needle?
LEFT lateral
- stand so right hand is nearest to dog’s butt
- insert at 45 degree angle
equipment needed for TTW in equine (7)
- clippers
- scrub
- xylazine
- two 60 ml syringes
- saline
- # 15 scalpel blade
- catheter + PE tube (french) OR trochar + PE tube
Consistency descriptors used in palpation

needle size for abdominocentesis in small animals
18-20 G 1.5”
Nerves tested in the palpebral response

you think a horse has pneumonia. which tube will you use for TTW samples?
purple topped for cytology
what can you feel in normal dog during abdominal palpation
SI, colon, bladder (if they’re full)
Texture Descriptors used in palpation

a patient has a fever. how much does it increase their maintenance fluid needs
an extra 15-20 ml/kg/day
Norms for Tonometry

fluid maintenance amount for dogs and cats
40-60 ml/kg/day
techniques for abdominocentesis in small animals
- 1 need technique (1 cm cranial or caudal to umbilicus + slightly ventral off midline)
- 2 needle technique
- 4 quadrant technique
steps for thoracocentesis
- place stopcock open to patient and syringe while closed to room
- insert needle with bevel facing slightly CRANIALLY (perpendicular in large patients; slightly oblique in small)
- apply gentle suction to syringe
- when syringe is full turn stopcock OFF TO PATIENT and empty
KEEP TRACK of amount
****cranial border of ICS 7 or 8
which tubes are used for cytology?
purple top
needle size for horse abdominocentesis
18 G 1.5”
18 G 2-3” spinal needle
or teat cannula/bitch catheter
Nerves tested in the menace response

how much xylazine to sedate a horse during TTW
0.5 mg/kg IV
Tonometers + which requires anesthetic?

46 mm

Nerves tested in vestibular-ocular reflex test

position of small animal patient for abdominocentesis
LEFT lateral to avoid spleen or standing
Shape descriptors used in palpation

gram (+) bacteria are what color?
collecting cystocentesis samples
- red topped for culture
- purple topped for cytology if sending out OR air dried slide of sediment
Nerves tested in dazzle reflex

which side should a lefty stand on to do abdominocentesis in horse?
left side facing caudally
How to apply an equine limb wound bandage

25 mm

which tubes are used for biochem?
red topped
Equipment needed for fundic exam

a macro drip set = ____ drops/ml
10, 15, or 20 drops/ml
you think a horse has asthma. which tube will you use when collecting TTW samples?
red topped for chemistry
gram (-) bacteria are what color?
What do you need for an equine lower limb wound bandage?

processing of samples from cystocentesis
- EDTA/PURPLE topped tube for cytology
- air dried slide of sediment
- RED topped tube for biochem
shock dose for cats
40 ml/kg/hr
Norms for schirmer tear test

38 mm

What do you need for an equine standing bandage?

equipment needed for thoracocentesis (7)
- clippers
- scrub
- butterfly catheter
- 3 way stopcock
- syringe
- lidocaine
+/- sedation