Other Flashcards
Who were the 5 Directors of Rambert Dance Company
Norman Morrice
John Cheesworth
Robert North
Richard Alston
Christopher Bruce
When was Norman Morrice a Director
1966 - 1974
What were the developments that Morrice had when he was a director
-> Morrice instigated the change into a modern dance company in 1966
-> Reduced numbers of dancers +introduced Graham Technique
->Assosiation with American choreographer Glen Tetley
-> Morrice’s works were more political than Tetley’s
-> There was growing eclecticism under his leadership - means ideas don’t all add a single idea instead all styles and theory’s add to a subject
What works were in the rep during Morrice’s directorship
Pierrot Lunaire, Glen Tetley 1967
Ziggurat, Glen Tetley 1967
Embrace Tiger and Return to Mountin, Glen Tetley, 1968
George Fredrick 1969 Bruces first work
What was the social context within Norman Morrice’s directorship
LCDS 1966 + LCDT 1967 - Robbin Howard
Graham first performed in 1954
Morrice went on the ford foundation grant in 1962
experimental mood of 60s
traditional cultral values questioned, social protests, modern dance revolt against ballet as appeal for younger generation
When was John Chesworth a Director
1974 - 1981
Was in ballet Rambert 1951 - 1974 - dancer
Assistant to the directors 1966 - 1974
What were the developments that Chesworth had when he was a director
-> continued and developed trends of previous phase
-> developing diversity of styles due to a range of choreographers, Richard Alston, Christopher Bruce
-> Thetricallity ( Cruel Garden )
-> Developing Ramberts reputation for technical excellence and diverse repetory.
What works were in the rep during Chesworth’s directorship
Cruel garden 1977 - Bruce
Bell High 1980 - Richard Alstonsfirst work for the company
Running Figures 1975 - Robert North
What was the social context within John Chesworth’s directorship
Alston was training with cunningham 1975-77
LCDT had a more abstract approach with work by Alston and Davies - moved away from Graham
Alston’s work in particular challenged and provoked as it was different to what audiences were used to.
When was Robert North a Director
1981 - 1986
What were the developments that Robert North made when he was a director
-> wanted the balence of rep to be widely accessible
Diversity of Styles:
-> North - narrative influences
-> Bruce - social, political
-> Alston - abstract
-> the rep was dance orientated
-> classes altered between ballet, Graham and Cunningham technique depending on who was teaching.
-> policy of diversity was criticised as it felt the company was being pulled in areas.
What works were in the rep during North’s directorship
Lonely Town, Lonely Street 1981, Robert North - Jazz influence
Wildlife 1984 Richard Alston
Sergent Early’s Dream 1984 Bruce
What was the social context within North’s directorship
Cross fertillisation with LCDT brough North’s style of Graham based fusion and Alston’s abstract qualities.
When was Richard Alston a Director
1986 - 1992
Was a resident Choreographer 1980 - 1986
What were the developments that Richard Alston made when he was a director
-> An era of cunningham based abstarct qualities
-> preferences of unified dance, design and music
-> company class was Graham, Cunningham + Ballet
-> changed name in 1987 the Rambert dance company to reflect developments.
-> colaboration, diverse soundscape.
-> company criticised for being to abstract and Alston left.
What works were in the rep during Alston’s directorship
Soda Lake 1981, 1986 (rep) Richard Alston
Roughcut 1990 Richard Alston
Pulcinella 1987 Richard Alston
Signature 1990 Sibbon Davies
What was the social context within Alston’s directorship
Cunningham style work already been introduced into the company
Davies was invited to mount work on the compnay - her style was abstract
Bruce’s works loocked out of place and he left in 1987 to pursue frelance career.
When was Christopher Bruce a Director
1994 - 2002
Dancer - 1963 - 80
Assistant Director - 1975 -1979
Assistant Choreographer - 1980 - 87
What were the developments that Bruce made when he was a director
-> he wanted to re expand the compnay and add new dancers by having new and established choreogrpahers.
-> he took experience from when he was a choreographerand assistant director to ensure he was a good director
-> wanted to expand to 25 dancers
-> had a range of styles imputted moved away from Cunningham
-> ran choreographic workshops to foster new talent + new work
Re launched compnay with increased Arts council funding - went back to roots 3 aims, Kept rep varried narrative style
What works were in the rep during Bruce’s directorship
Ghost Dances 1981 1999 ( rep ) Bruce
Rooster 1991 1994 ( rep ) Bruce
Swansong 1987 1995 ( rep )
What was the social context within Bruce’s directorship
he had the company tour to the collosium and had a sold out show
Marie said to Bruce the company said was at Risk of closing, Bruce wanted to have Arts Council + Board members to support him and his work
LCDT closed in summber 1994 was only touring modern dance company.