Othello Flashcards
(Othello has not been introduced to the audience yet.) Othello is defined by what differentiates him from the rest of society, his skin colour. ‘‘Thick lips’’ is a description of the ethnicity inherited thicker lips Othello has in comparison to the white members of society. Roderigo exercises this as a racist comment implied to discriminate against Othello and illuminate the difference in his facial features.
R: ‘‘What a full fortune does the thick-lips owe, / If he can carry’t thus!’’
Othello testifies to Brabantio that he genuinely loves Desdemona and therefore the marriage should be viewed as socially unacceptable. Metaphor - here, Othello is explicitly accentuating his devotion and loyalty towards Desdemona, despite being a sailor, he would not enslave himself for the sea, however he has for Desdemona. She is therefore worth more to him than the sea. This is an immense declaration of affection and love, therefore the audience will note the significance of Othello’s shift in priority.
'’I love the gentle Desdemona, - I would not my unhoused free condition - Put into circumscription and confine - For the sea’s worth.’’
Foreshadows the devastating consequences that will happen when Othello no longer loves Desdemona but in fact begins to hate her. The seed of doubt is planted in Othello’s mind by Iago and he is driven insane by Desdemona’s constant talk of Cassio and how good a man he is.
'’But I do love thee; and when I love thee not, Chaos is come again.’’
'’O misery!’’
'’Why did I marry?’’
Othello’s jealousy is highlighted as he announces that he wouldn’t mind if Desdemona had slept with everyone in the military if he had not known about it. He would prefer to be ignorant. Othello’s self respect has diminished resulting in him employing this cowardice point of view. ‘‘sweet body’’, Othello sexualises her, this contrasts the language he used to describe Desdemona at the beginning of the play which focussed on Desdemona’s ‘‘sweet’’ nature. Iago’s crudeness has rubbed off on him.
'’I had been happy, if the general camp, Pioners had tasted her sweet body So I had nothing known.’’
Engaging with Desdemona in a domineering and violent way. An example of toxic masculinity. Othello uses an interrogative tone. Imperative verb: ‘‘Speak’’
'’Is’t lost? Is’t gone? / Speak: is’t out of o’th’way?’’
Eloquent speech has been broken. Othello wishes he could forget about the handkerchief but can’t. He falls into a trance due to the high emotions. Trance of fury and bewilderment.
'’Handkerchief - confessions- handkerchief! To confess and be hanged for his labour - first to be hanged , and then to confess.’’
Othello degrades his language to exercising disrespectful language towards women. Juxtaposition between heaven and hell shows the complexity of his conflicted mindset. There is a soul struggle between Iago and Desdemona for Othello’s trust.
'’Heaven truly knows that thou art false as hell’’
'’the cunning whore of Venice’’
'’Are you not a Strumpet?’’
'’What, not a whore?’’