OT FINAL CTX Flashcards
3 parts of God’s Covenant with Abraham?
1) Land (He would give his descendants the land of Canaan to live in.)
2) Nation (God would give him many descendants and they would become a great nation).
3) Blessing (God will bless the entire world through Abraham’s seed – a future descendant).
What was God’s promise or covenant with King David?
Through Prophet Nathan God makes a
covenant with David – An Everlasting Dynasty
What kind of government was set up with the Sinai Covenant?
International Diplomacy – God is king and
does not need trade agreements or military
agreements with the surrounding nations. He
will take care of Israel.
What was the relationship between God, the people, and the land?
Yahweh God is King in
Israel. He owns the land and He allots
portions of the land to the various families
and tribes of Israel. They have gone from
slaves and peasants to being land-owning
Was there a standing army in Israel of Sinai Covenant?
What was the tithe in Israel of Sinai Coventant?
Tax system = the tithe – 10% of your crops,
flocks, etc. right off the top. This is the total
obligatory tax owed to God as king (for both
church & state).
It was paid to the priests for the upkeep of
the tabernacle, for their own livelihood and to
take care of the sick and poor.
What 3 relationships did the Fall into Sin (Genesis 3) ruin?
Sin causes separation or a breakdown in relationship between humans and: a) God b) Other Humans c) ourselves
Passover celebrates what?
Commemorates the Exodus
Day of Atonement celebrates what?
Repentance and Forgiveness of Sins
Festival of Booths (Tabernacles) celebrates what?
Remembers the wilderness wanderings
Feast of Pentecost celebrates what?
Associated with the giving of the Law
Details of Sin Offering
(split 2 ways) This is an offering brought by
an individual or a group of people who feel the
need to confess a particular sin and hear the
Words of forgiveness. The person brings the
animal to be sacrificed, places their hands on the
victim (the animal), confesses their sin, slaughters
the animal, the Priest sacrifices the animal on the
Altar of Burnt Offering and the Priest proclaims
the person forgiven.
Details of Communion Offering
(split 3 ways) An offering that is full of
joy and thanksgiving to God. It is an offering
given by someone who wants to celebrate
something in God’s honor. You invite all of your
family and friends (but they must be ritually clean
to participate). You go to the temple, butcher the
animal and one portion goes to God in the
sacrifice, one portion to the priests, and the
biggest portion (1/2 to ¾) goes to the people
celebrating. They must eat it within 48 hours in
the tabernacle grounds. This is a celebratory
meal between God, the priest and your friends.
Details of Holocaust Offering
(total offering) Whole Burnt Offering. The
whole animal is offered up as a gift to God. This
offering is offered up twice a day, every morning
and night, by the Priest on behalf of all Israel.
Either a lamb or a kid (baby goat) is offered up.
On the Sabbath Day a double offering is given.
Israel knows that Yahweh is a Spirit and doesn’t
eat meat, but they offer up similar sacrifices that
the pagans did but with a new meaning. This
offering symbolizes their service or commitment
to God.
Details of Holocaust Offering
(total offering) Whole Burnt Offering. The
whole animal is offered up as a gift to God. This
offering is offered up twice a day, every morning
and night, by the Priest on behalf of all Israel.
Either a lamb or a kid (baby goat) is offered up.
On the Sabbath Day a double offering is given.
Israel knows that Yahweh is a Spirit and doesn’t
eat meat, but they offer up similar sacrifices that
the pagans did but with a new meaning. This
offering symbolizes their service or commitment
to God.
Dates of OT happenings from earliest to latest
Abraham's Migration, The Exodus, David is King, The Kingdom Splits, Elijah Prophesies, Fall of Samaria, Fall of Jerusalem, The Edict of King Cyrus (for the Jews to Return to Judah, 2nd temple dedicated, Ezra and Nehemiah rebuild Jerusalem.
First man created
First woman created
Built an ark. God promised never again to destroy the world with a flood. The sign of this covenant is the rainbow. When we see it we can remember God’s promise; we can hold Him to it.
Abrahamic Covenant. God calls him
to leave his country and go to a new land so
that God can bless him and bring blessing to
many through him. God told him to sacrifice his son Isaac. Married to Sarah.
First was called Sarai. God changed her name to Sarah as part of a covenant after Hagar bore Abraham his first son, Ishmael. Had son, Isaac late in age.
Rebekah married Isaac the son of Abraham, by whom she had two sons, Esau and Jacob. Favoured Jacob, helped him steal father’s blessing.
Jacob had twelve sons and at least one daughter, by his two wives, Leah and Rachel. Brother of Esau. Bowl of soup birthright, stole blessing, name changed to Israel. Twelve tribes of Israel, wrestles with God.
wife of Jacob, Rachel is the mother of Joseph and Benjamin, who become two of the twelve tribes of Israel. Was found at water well, gave camel water.
One Joseph in the Bible was the overconfident younger son of Jacob. He was known to his older brothers as their father’s favorite. For this reason his 10 older brothers conspired against the boy and sold him to slave traders, while telling their father the boy had been mauled by an animal. Interpreted Egyptian kings dreams, was imprisoned, was second in command to Pharaoh, helped Egypt in famine.
Married to Zeporah. Jew born in Egypt, lived there for 40 years. Killed an Egyptian, fled to Midian for 40 years in the wilderness. Was called to lead Jews out of Egypt, created 10 commandments with God on Sinai.
Moses’ brother, first High Priest of Isreal, tribe of Levi. Spoke for Moses.
A faithful servant of Yahweh. Becomes Judge (King).Under his faithful leadership the people are successful and God delivers on His promise to give them the land of Canaan. Crosses Jordan River.
A man who is faithful in spirit to Yahweh. He sees the problems in Israel as related to their idol worship, etc. Yahweh calls Gideon to become Judge of Israel and to deliver them from the Midianites. And the first thing he is called to do is to go into town and destroy all of the Baal altars; he does this by night. Gideon’s father (Jerabahal) is in charge of the local shrine for Baal. Named changed to Jerubbaal, Judge of Israel. Cut army from 32,000 to 300, tested God with sheep skin on ground.
He is a powerful warrior, but not very religious. He is a Nazarite – a person who takes a special vow before Yahweh for a certain time, which involves extra dedication to Yahweh shown by certain outward signs; signs that this vow is in effect. Marries Philistine woman, is tempted by Delilah, loses strength, is blinded, repents, destroys Philistine temple killing more people in his death then he did in his life as a warrior.
A prostitute that Samson consorts with. She plays games with Samson and he with her. She keeps trying to find out the source of his strength. He keeps lying to her about it. Finally, he tells her it is in his hair. She cuts it while he sleeps and the Philistines bind him, put out his eyes and enslave him.
Last great judge. Anointed Kings David and Saul.
First king of Israel, lost God when he wouldn’t repent
Second king of Isreal, greatest king, Man after God’s Heart, killed Goliath, sinned with Bathsheba.
Means Daughter of Africa. Married to Uriah, affair with David. Gave birth to Solomon
Son of David and Bathsheba, supported David, retired Abiathar. Known for wisdom, building temple, trade agreements, 1,000 wives, allows polytheism, kingdom taken away.
Killed by Joab. Husband of Michal
General. David’s nephew, follower of Adonijah’s supporter. Kills Abner, killed by Solomon.
1st High Priest
2nd High Priest, all Priests from his family line. Solomon’s supporter.
Solomon’s supporter. God gives David covenant through him
Saul’s son, David’s best friend
Ishbosheth (IshBaal)
Crowned king, Saul’s son, killed by soliders.
Saul’s daughter, David’s first wife after getting 200 Philistine foreskins
3rd son, kills Amnon, flees, is forgiven, leads insurrection against David, sleeps with David’s haren, killed by Joab. Tamar’s brother.
1st son of David, rapes Tamar, killed by Absalom
Ahab becomes King, marries Jezebel – a Canaanite devoted to Baal; she tries to convert Israel to Baalism. Ahab wants Naboth’s vineyard; Jezebel schemes to take it. Ahab meets Elijah & is rebuked by him; Ahab
repents; he will die in peace, but judgment will fall on their children.