OT FINAL CTX Flashcards
3 parts of God’s Covenant with Abraham?
1) Land (He would give his descendants the land of Canaan to live in.)
2) Nation (God would give him many descendants and they would become a great nation).
3) Blessing (God will bless the entire world through Abraham’s seed – a future descendant).
What was God’s promise or covenant with King David?
Through Prophet Nathan God makes a
covenant with David – An Everlasting Dynasty
What kind of government was set up with the Sinai Covenant?
International Diplomacy – God is king and
does not need trade agreements or military
agreements with the surrounding nations. He
will take care of Israel.
What was the relationship between God, the people, and the land?
Yahweh God is King in
Israel. He owns the land and He allots
portions of the land to the various families
and tribes of Israel. They have gone from
slaves and peasants to being land-owning
Was there a standing army in Israel of Sinai Covenant?
What was the tithe in Israel of Sinai Coventant?
Tax system = the tithe – 10% of your crops,
flocks, etc. right off the top. This is the total
obligatory tax owed to God as king (for both
church & state).
It was paid to the priests for the upkeep of
the tabernacle, for their own livelihood and to
take care of the sick and poor.
What 3 relationships did the Fall into Sin (Genesis 3) ruin?
Sin causes separation or a breakdown in relationship between humans and: a) God b) Other Humans c) ourselves
Passover celebrates what?
Commemorates the Exodus
Day of Atonement celebrates what?
Repentance and Forgiveness of Sins
Festival of Booths (Tabernacles) celebrates what?
Remembers the wilderness wanderings
Feast of Pentecost celebrates what?
Associated with the giving of the Law
Details of Sin Offering
(split 2 ways) This is an offering brought by
an individual or a group of people who feel the
need to confess a particular sin and hear the
Words of forgiveness. The person brings the
animal to be sacrificed, places their hands on the
victim (the animal), confesses their sin, slaughters
the animal, the Priest sacrifices the animal on the
Altar of Burnt Offering and the Priest proclaims
the person forgiven.
Details of Communion Offering
(split 3 ways) An offering that is full of
joy and thanksgiving to God. It is an offering
given by someone who wants to celebrate
something in God’s honor. You invite all of your
family and friends (but they must be ritually clean
to participate). You go to the temple, butcher the
animal and one portion goes to God in the
sacrifice, one portion to the priests, and the
biggest portion (1/2 to ¾) goes to the people
celebrating. They must eat it within 48 hours in
the tabernacle grounds. This is a celebratory
meal between God, the priest and your friends.
Details of Holocaust Offering
(total offering) Whole Burnt Offering. The
whole animal is offered up as a gift to God. This
offering is offered up twice a day, every morning
and night, by the Priest on behalf of all Israel.
Either a lamb or a kid (baby goat) is offered up.
On the Sabbath Day a double offering is given.
Israel knows that Yahweh is a Spirit and doesn’t
eat meat, but they offer up similar sacrifices that
the pagans did but with a new meaning. This
offering symbolizes their service or commitment
to God.
Details of Holocaust Offering
(total offering) Whole Burnt Offering. The
whole animal is offered up as a gift to God. This
offering is offered up twice a day, every morning
and night, by the Priest on behalf of all Israel.
Either a lamb or a kid (baby goat) is offered up.
On the Sabbath Day a double offering is given.
Israel knows that Yahweh is a Spirit and doesn’t
eat meat, but they offer up similar sacrifices that
the pagans did but with a new meaning. This
offering symbolizes their service or commitment
to God.
Dates of OT happenings from earliest to latest
Abraham's Migration, The Exodus, David is King, The Kingdom Splits, Elijah Prophesies, Fall of Samaria, Fall of Jerusalem, The Edict of King Cyrus (for the Jews to Return to Judah, 2nd temple dedicated, Ezra and Nehemiah rebuild Jerusalem.
First man created
First woman created
Built an ark. God promised never again to destroy the world with a flood. The sign of this covenant is the rainbow. When we see it we can remember God’s promise; we can hold Him to it.
Abrahamic Covenant. God calls him
to leave his country and go to a new land so
that God can bless him and bring blessing to
many through him. God told him to sacrifice his son Isaac. Married to Sarah.
First was called Sarai. God changed her name to Sarah as part of a covenant after Hagar bore Abraham his first son, Ishmael. Had son, Isaac late in age.
Rebekah married Isaac the son of Abraham, by whom she had two sons, Esau and Jacob. Favoured Jacob, helped him steal father’s blessing.
Jacob had twelve sons and at least one daughter, by his two wives, Leah and Rachel. Brother of Esau. Bowl of soup birthright, stole blessing, name changed to Israel. Twelve tribes of Israel, wrestles with God.
wife of Jacob, Rachel is the mother of Joseph and Benjamin, who become two of the twelve tribes of Israel. Was found at water well, gave camel water.
One Joseph in the Bible was the overconfident younger son of Jacob. He was known to his older brothers as their father’s favorite. For this reason his 10 older brothers conspired against the boy and sold him to slave traders, while telling their father the boy had been mauled by an animal. Interpreted Egyptian kings dreams, was imprisoned, was second in command to Pharaoh, helped Egypt in famine.
Married to Zeporah. Jew born in Egypt, lived there for 40 years. Killed an Egyptian, fled to Midian for 40 years in the wilderness. Was called to lead Jews out of Egypt, created 10 commandments with God on Sinai.
Moses’ brother, first High Priest of Isreal, tribe of Levi. Spoke for Moses.
A faithful servant of Yahweh. Becomes Judge (King).Under his faithful leadership the people are successful and God delivers on His promise to give them the land of Canaan. Crosses Jordan River.
A man who is faithful in spirit to Yahweh. He sees the problems in Israel as related to their idol worship, etc. Yahweh calls Gideon to become Judge of Israel and to deliver them from the Midianites. And the first thing he is called to do is to go into town and destroy all of the Baal altars; he does this by night. Gideon’s father (Jerabahal) is in charge of the local shrine for Baal. Named changed to Jerubbaal, Judge of Israel. Cut army from 32,000 to 300, tested God with sheep skin on ground.
He is a powerful warrior, but not very religious. He is a Nazarite – a person who takes a special vow before Yahweh for a certain time, which involves extra dedication to Yahweh shown by certain outward signs; signs that this vow is in effect. Marries Philistine woman, is tempted by Delilah, loses strength, is blinded, repents, destroys Philistine temple killing more people in his death then he did in his life as a warrior.
A prostitute that Samson consorts with. She plays games with Samson and he with her. She keeps trying to find out the source of his strength. He keeps lying to her about it. Finally, he tells her it is in his hair. She cuts it while he sleeps and the Philistines bind him, put out his eyes and enslave him.
Last great judge. Anointed Kings David and Saul.
First king of Israel, lost God when he wouldn’t repent
Second king of Isreal, greatest king, Man after God’s Heart, killed Goliath, sinned with Bathsheba.
Means Daughter of Africa. Married to Uriah, affair with David. Gave birth to Solomon
Son of David and Bathsheba, supported David, retired Abiathar. Known for wisdom, building temple, trade agreements, 1,000 wives, allows polytheism, kingdom taken away.
Killed by Joab. Husband of Michal
General. David’s nephew, follower of Adonijah’s supporter. Kills Abner, killed by Solomon.
1st High Priest
2nd High Priest, all Priests from his family line. Solomon’s supporter.
Solomon’s supporter. God gives David covenant through him
Saul’s son, David’s best friend
Ishbosheth (IshBaal)
Crowned king, Saul’s son, killed by soliders.
Saul’s daughter, David’s first wife after getting 200 Philistine foreskins
3rd son, kills Amnon, flees, is forgiven, leads insurrection against David, sleeps with David’s haren, killed by Joab. Tamar’s brother.
1st son of David, rapes Tamar, killed by Absalom
Ahab becomes King, marries Jezebel – a Canaanite devoted to Baal; she tries to convert Israel to Baalism. Ahab wants Naboth’s vineyard; Jezebel schemes to take it. Ahab meets Elijah & is rebuked by him; Ahab
repents; he will die in peace, but judgment will fall on their children.
Ahab’s wife. a Canaanite devotee to Baal; she tries to convert Israel to Baalism. Her movement fails because of the ministry of Elijah – prophet. Schemes to take vineyard, seeks revenge. Jezebel tries to change everything into the
Canaanite system
Prophet who battled king Ahab, queen Jezebel and Baalism in Israel. Battled the prophets of Baal in a contest on Mt. Carmel. Taken to heaven in a fiery chariot.
Elijah’s assistant and successor. Did a lot of miracles similar to Jesus
1st king of Judah, Solomon’s son. refuses to reduce taxes & the
draft on the North
Jeroboam I
returned from Egypt to become Israel’s 1st king. Yahweh approves of him, promises to reward
his faithfulness with an everlasting dynasty. sets up 2 temples without divine authority: At Bethel & Dan. He sets up statues of Bulls at each place –could be Cherubim, turned into Baal worship. He starts a new festival – 8th month. A prophet rebukes Jeroboam at Bethel, his arm becomes paralyzed
good king of Judah, built tunnels, son of Ahaz
named king at 8 years old, good king of Judah. Killed by Pharaoh Nico in Migeddo. Read scriptures to Temple people to obey commandments
the weeping prophet or suffering prophet. Preached right before and after the destruction of Jerusalem from Jerusalem. He suffered greatly at the hands of the kings for his prophecies. Predicted God’s New Covenant to replace Sinai covenant.
Prophesied before and after the destruction of Jerusalem, in Babylon. He did a lot of action prophecies where he did not speak, but acted out the coming doom upon Jerusalem if the people did not repent. Known for “valley of dry bones” vision. vision of the New Temple
Marries the prostitute Gomer and after she leaves him he redeems her and takes her back. His marriage becomes an image of God’s marriage to Israel and her unfaithfulness, but God’s unfailing love (theme).
Theme: Day of Yahweh = a Day of coming Judgment. He is a shepherd and a dresser of sycamore fig trees from Tekoa in Judah, called to preach to the Northern kingdom of Israel. Preaches against social injustice. Has visions of locusts, fire
Theme: Holiness. God is the Holy One of Israel. Law & Gospel. Has several sons with symbolic names. Has several Messianic prophecies “pierced for our transgressions”. Called into his ministry through a vision of the heavenly temple, where Isaiah felt too unclean to fulfill his duties; but God forgave him by touching his lips with a burning coal.
Artaxerxes commissions Ezra to take more Jews back to Jerusalem. Ezra – a Bible Scholar, compiler of books. leads people in religious renewal, orders no more foreign wives = not racism, but a religious interest in no idolatry. Returns and reads the Pentateuch out loud to the people in Hebrew and the Levites translate into Aramaic = start of Bible translation
• Nehemiah (A Jew) is Artaxerxes’ Royal Cup Bearer = Wine & Food Taster for the king; a
close, trusted servant
• Nehemiah illustrates the work of a laymen
• Nehemiah is not a prophet, priest or king; a common laborer used for God’s purposes
• Nehemiah asks permission to go to Jerusalem to rebuild its walls; Artaxerxes agrees, gives him safe passage etc.; Nehemiah is appointed governor of Jerusalem; He leads reconstruction of the walls
• Nehemiah returns people to Law of Moses, i.e. lend without interest etc.
Nehemiah orders: No more mixed marriages, no more work on the Sabbath; proper taxation & support for the Levites
Zerubbabel = Governor. other name = Sheshbazzar. Is told that God will not forget him; he will be lifted up for God will restore the Davidic Rule – Fulfilled in Jesus, Son of David. Anointed servant (olive tree)
Post-exilic prophet who has 8 visions, including the vision of the heavenly court scene where Joshua (representing Israel) is stripped of his filthy clothing, forgiven, and given a new garment to wear by “The Angle of Yahweh” (representing Jesus).
Destroys Jerusalem. King of Babylon.
Cyrus, King of Persia, Conquers Babylon.
The Decree of Cyrus = All captured people can take their gods and return to their lands and rebuild their temples; including the
King of Persia. Artaxerxes commissions Ezra to take more Jews back to Jerusalem. Artaxerxes sides with Samaritans against Jews
rebuilding Jerusalem. Lets Nehemiah go to Jerusalem to rebuild walls and gives him safe passage.
Last prophet in Bible.
What is the concept of “Israel reduced to One” - God’s narrowing down the true people of Israel to a smaller group to work with for the sake of all, and then the gradual enlarging of the true Israel to encompass all who come to faith in Christ?
The process narrows down to ONE PERSON – Israel reduced to ONE – Jesus Christ. He fulfills all the promises God made to Abraham & to Israel and replaces them.
Jesus then reverses the process, expanding the “true Israel”, which is no longer a nation or a specific ethnic group or religion, but all the people of God who have faith in Jesus. The true Israel expands, from Jerusalem, to Judea, to Samaria, to the ends of the world.
How is Jesus Israel reduced to One?
- Jesus is Israel reduced to ONE. He lived a holy life for all of us, which neither Israel nor we can do, earning our credit; He then dies on the cross to pay the debt for all.
- Christ represents all people, both forward and backward in history. He lived, died and rose again in advance for us, and after the fact for those who went before Him.
- Jesus recapitulated all of Israel’s history, reliving their history properly, doing it right for them and for our salvation.
What kind of literature is Genesis 1-9?
Historical and Protological = symbolic use of words that our experience understands to describe things we haven’t experienced.
Is Genesis meant to be a science book; detailed history of the human race; or what?
Not a science book, not a detailed history book (very selective), It is making a religious statement about God and His relation to the world.
Functions of Prophets
More than just one who predicts the future. He is a preacher of God’s Word – one who hears and/or “sees” a revelation from God and then proclaims it to the people. Primary job = Forthtelling, which at times includes Foretelling. One who speak for God.
Functions of priests?
They represent the people to God and God to the people; they are mediators. Their main ministries are: 1) Prayer; 2) Teaching God’s Word; 3) Administering God’s Law (settling disputes, etc.); 4) In charge of the Cultic Rituals.
The priest carries out the rituals on behalf of the people, daily and at the Festivals. The Priests and Levities also develop worship music, provide equipment, vessels, drapes for the tabernacle and temple, bake bread for temple use etc.
Functions of leaders/kings
not really “king” until the united & divided monarchies; judge, leader, ruler, pastor/shepherd. A Political Office – supervising the people, providing, protection, welfare, deciding disputes etc.
What were the Urim and Thummim?
The High Priest uses these object to discern God’s will about something. They were some kind of lots or dice, perhaps colored stones, kept in a pouch on the belt of the High Priest. After the priest prayed to God and asked a question, then the priest cast the Urim and Thummim to see if the answer was yes, no, or no answer. Sounds like superstition, but God does authorize their use for that time period (perhaps because it is before His Word was written down). God guarantees the answer.
How did the Samaritans come about?
result of intermarriage between Israelites and foreigners
A post-exilic prophet who encouraged the people to rebuild the temple and who predicts the future coming of the “Desire of Nations”
Theme: “Do justice. Love mercy. Walk humbly with God.” He is also famous for his prophecy of the Messiah being born in Bethlehem.
What army, outside of Israel/Judah, employed King David?
How are Elijah and Moses alike?
Both had: experience at Mt. Sinai, an assistant, combats foreign enemies and gods, killed/taken away by God himself, split Rivers.
The nature of prophecy
• Biblical prophecy can be about past, present or future. They see what God decrees in heaven and then proclaim it on earth - heralds
The divine name
Yahweh. (not Jehovah)
Nehemiah’s main mission
Zeal for the Lord and the Sinai Covenant – (We aren’t going back to disobedience! Look what that got us!)
What are the 5 important points of OT religion and what corresponds to these in Christianity?
- Sinai Covenant- New Covenant
- Priesthood of Aaron- Jesus – High Priest
- Sacrificial System- Cross of Christ
- Temple- Incarnation
- Davidic Kingship- Jesus is King of kings
What kind of religion has Judaism become and how does that compare to OT religion?
Religion of the OT is not full-fledged Christianity, further revelation in NT
• Judaism cannot be derived directly from the OT, it develops from teachings of the Rabbis.
Judaism added things to OT religion.
Judaism believes that Jesus was just a prophet, they are still waiting for the Messiah.
Why did God allow Israel and Judah to be conquered by their enemies?
The Sinai Covenant is a national covenant for all of Israel to abide by, because of the sin and disobedience of Israel as a nation, God allowed them to be conquered and punished.
What is the Christian interpretation of Zechariah’s vision of the trial of the high priest, Joshua?
Joshua represents the people of Israel in this vision; he is before God’s throne of judgment
• Beside Joshua are 2 “angels” : the Angel of Yahweh (Defense Attorney) & the Accuser or Satan (the Prosecuting Attorney)
• Satan wants Joshua/the people condemned for their sins, but Yahweh rebukes Satan, for He has had mercy on his people & has saved them!
• Joshua is dressed in manure covered clothes = his sins
God forgives His people by grace and restores them to their priestly duties.
• Christ takes off our sinful garments and clothes us with His own righteousness. This is Baptism language – strip off the old person, in Christ put on the new and live it out. We are restored to our “priestly” duties. Notice – salvation is fully God’s gift!
The difference between the Sinai Covenant and the New Covenant
New Covenant promises complete forgiveness of sins and the motivation to obey the Law will be put in peoples’ hearts
Where did the Spirit of God dwell in the time of Israel compared to today?
In the temple. Today = in Jesus, everywhere.
What is the type of the Passover Lamb
Jesus and his sacrifice
What is the type of the Exodus?
For our salvation from our enemies of Satan, sin, and death
What 3 types of oracles did the prophets preach?
Judgment of people, judgment of nations, and promises of God
Who was anointed with oil and why? What did such anointing signify?
Used for priests, kings, and prophets. The specific practice of anointing by pouring oil on the head was used as a symbolic act for officially, designating and setting apart a person for a certain, public, leadership function in the community. pouring on the head of the high priest and his descendants and sprinkling the tabernacle and its furnishings to mark them as holy and set apart to the Lord.
oil symbolizes the Spirit of God - giving them all the gifts they need to serve.
What is the type of Communion Offering?
The Lord’s Supper
What are the uses and types of Psalms?
- Thanksgiving Psalms
- Laments – Prayers in time of need
- Hymns – Praising God for Who He Is
- Wisdom Psalms – Teaching, ethics
- Royal Psalms – Focus on the Davidic King
Role of Psalter = hymnbook of temple worship, litanies, liturgies used with the various offerings
Psalms give you the liturgy & hymns to sing during offerings
• Psalms also used outside temple in family devotions
What is wisdom literature?
Material that aims to teach.
• Wisdom in the Bible = Know-how, not simple intelligence; practical living under God in our world; common sense; how to live a smart life
Who did Proverbs consider “the fool”?
One who won’t take advice, whose opinion is always right, won’t follow God’s instructions
What was considered “the beginning of Wisdom”?
The Fear of Yahweh
What are the Proverbs and what are they for?
Memorable sentences that teach a lesson – to be applied in the future when you run into the situation it is teaching about.
Who are the “wise” in the Proverbs?
disciples, students of God and His Word
Philistines rule for 20 years until this Prophet, Priest, leader frees them
Who was chosen and anointed as Israel’s first king?
What were the Kings called and what did it mean?
Called “the anointed one” = the Messiah or Christ
What tribe is Saul from?
Saul defends Jabesh Gilead in his 1st battle against whom?
the Ammonites
Lesson of Saul
a faithful believer in God can harden their heart, fall away from the faith, and lose the Holy Spirit
What is Samuel’s prophecy to Saul?
“You have torn my coat, but Yahweh will tear the kingdom away from you and give it to someone else”
Where are the places that David fled to away from Saul?
Gath and then Negev, then took his family from Bethlehem to Moab
Saul slaughtered all the Priests, except one. Who?
Where are Saul and Jonathon killed, and by who?
at Valley of Jezreel by the Philistines
General Abner takes who to Mahanaim and crowns him king?
Saul’s son, Ish-Baal (Ish-Bosheth)
What is the Davidic Covenant?
the promise of an everlasting Davidic Dynasty- fulfilled in Jesus
What is the Holy City where God dwells among His people?
What happens to David for his sins of adultery and murder?
God curses his family with adultery and murder.
When does the king become impotent and no longer have power to rule?
When he loses sexual power
When the kingdom split, who ruled the North and who ruled the South?
North (Israel) - Jeroboam I
South (Judah)- Rehoboam
Significance of Omri?
builds new capital city, Samaria. Dynasty
What language was most of the OT written?
What style was most of the prophets’ literature written in?