OT Final Flashcards
Who is Jehu?
Captain of Israel army, submits to Assyria.
Kills all Baal worshipers, but keeps golden calf.
King of Israel, son of Ahab
Powerful empire born for war.
Used terror and fear to control cities and the people.
Chief god of Assyrians - The god of war.
Prostitute, loves many men. Marries Hosea.
Called to be a preacher, called to marry Gomer. Prophet in Israel.
What is Hosea’s sadness of Gomer equivalent to?
The sadness that God feels for Israel. (Loving other gods, ignoring Yahwah).
What is Hosea’s message?
Speaks about returning to God.
3 ways to come back to God
Return to God,
ask for forgiveness of sins,
King of Judah
Where is Levan?
North of Israel and Judah
Highly educated, in contact with kings.
Prophet that proclaimed to “stand firm to God and look to him, don’t enter covenant with Assyria but with God instead”
Best king of Judah. Wants to cleanse temple. Gets rid of Pageon altar. Celebrates Passover. Punished for withholding tribute.
3 stages of hope for Israel that Isaiah described after exile of losing homeland?
1) God brings them back to their homeland, Cyrus will release Israelites.
2) Past- Atonement provided for their sins- suffering servant (Jesus)
3) Future- Millennial kingdom, Golden Age, all creation restoration, Jesus living.
Who was Micah and what was his message?
A country preacher, uneducated.
Message about abuse of leadership.
55 year reign. longest reign of Israel of Judah.
Co-ruler with his father.
Sacrifices his children to the gods and allows idolatry to populate.
Pays Assyrians tribute but they capture him.
Repents while in prison, turns to God.
Assyrians released him and returned to power.
Nahum’s prophetic message?
During time of Manasseh.
About Assyria’s and Nineva’s destruction.
Tells about Assyria being destroyed and never rebuilt and no descendants will live.
King of Judah. Last of good kings.
Manasseh’s grandson.
King as a young boy, age 16 he gets rid of idols and rebuilds temple.
How long did it take Babylon to take over and collapse Assyria?
10 years of battles.
Who marries the Medes Princess to seal alliance with Babylon?
Prince Nebuchadnezzar.
God’s answer to Habakkuk’s message
Revelation waits for the appointed time, wait for it.
Last King of Judah in the line of David, deciding over giving in to Egypt and Babylon.
Prophet tells him Babylon will win.
Key city in Assyria?
Who succeeded throne of Solomon?
What did Rehoboam refuse to give his people after their petitions?
Reduced taxes
In what way does Rehoboam make the same mistake as Solomon?
By allowing his foreign wives to erect idols to the foreign gods.
good king of Judah.
sends people to teach Law so they can enter covenant with God.
Enters alliance with Israel.
Daughter of Ahab & Jezebel.
Brought into kingdom of Judah to marry son of Jehoshaphat.
Brings her gods to worship, including Baal worship.
Who killed Joram and Ahaziah?
Who is the sole survivor of the execution of all grandchildren boys of Athaliah, is raised in secret by a priest named Jehoiada?
Jonah is called to go where to proclaim what message?
During time of Jeroboam II.
Called to Ninevah to deliver a message to repent.
Where does Amos minister?
City of Bethel
What is Amos’ message?
about idolatry, and about social injustice
Who leads the army of Babylon?
Who was the weeping prophet?
What is Jeremiah’s message, essentially?
“Babylon will win. There is no other way”
Also prophesied that Judah would go into exile
What were 4 key factors of opposition that Jeremiah faced?
1) Opposition from Jerusalem
2) Opposition from hometown
3) Writes a prophecy on a scroll that is delivered to the king and then burned.
4) Babylonians come to siege Jerusalem.
Who was the personal secretary to Jeremiah, that wrote down the prophesies and sometimes spoke them in public?
Who was left to live as punishment after their whole family had been killed?
What message is Lamentations giving?
It was a funeral song for Jerusalem.
God shows that it is not over, He is a loving God and there is hope for the future.
Who was Ezekiel and where does he live?
A 30 year old priest that received call to ministry.
Lives in Babylon.
What does Ezekiel call himself?
Jesus also referred to himself as this
“Son of Man”
What does the vision of seeing a throne that moves, and a wheel within a wheel – represent?
God rules anywhere, wherever He so chooses and is in charge EVERYWHERE
Why does God transport Ezekiel back to Jerusalem?
God said, “I want you to see what I see”
What did Ezekiel do that no Jews ever do?
He shaved his beard.
What does each 1/3 of his beard hair represent?
1st- He burns 1/3 of the beard to demonstrate that 1/3 of Jerusalem is going to be burned by famine.
2nd- 1/3 of his hair he takes a sword and chops it up really small to symbolize that 1/3 of Jerusalem will die by the sword.
3rd- The last 1/3 of hair he holds up and wind blows it away to symbolize those that will go into exile.
What is Ezekiel’s last vision about?
A valley of dry bones.
Symbol of hope for the future, God can restore them.
Which book in Old Testament is only one in Aramaic?
What does King Nebuchadnezzar ask his wise men to do with his dream?
He said he wanted them to tell him what he dreamed so that he would know they were with God.
They were proved false and he executed them.
What did King Nebuch’s dream show?
Human statue with various body part representations.
What did the head represent in the dream?
Gold head- Babylonian empire.
What did the thigh represent in the dream?
Bronze thigh- Next empire after Persia, Greece.
What did the feet and legs represent in the dream?
Made of iron- Last empire of the world, Rome.
What did the great boulder from heaven destroying the imaged dream represent?
It spread and became a huge mountain that represents the kingdom of God that will last forever.
What apocalyptic vision did Daniel have?
4 beasts - coming kingdoms ancient of days when Son of Man (Jesus) joins Him (God)
What is the first half of Daniel about?
first six chapters is historical scripture focusing Daniel and some of his friends, dealing with history of time
What is the second half of Daniel about?
second half is about serious visions of what will happen to Israel in future.
Who is the king of Persia, and what did he do with the Jews?
Cyrus. He releases them back to Jerusalem, allowing them to keep King’s names.
What name did Cyrus think of himself as?
the “King of Kings”
Who was Zerubbabel?
leader of returning exiles to Jerusalem
Who was the chief diety of Babylon?
What was the mission of the Post-Exile?
To rebuild the temple in Jerusalem.
Why were the old people crying during the temple’s foundational stage?
They remembered the old temple and noticed that the new one was much smaller due to lack of resources.
How long was the temple left incomplete without a roof while working on their houses and economy?
15 years
Who was Haggai and what was his message?
He was a prophet that proclaimed that the Jews “need to get back to work to finish the temple”
What were Haggai’s 3 main prophecies?
1) “Begin rebuilding temple”
2) He Encourages discouraged workers
3) “From this day God will bless you”
Prophet that encouraged discouraged Jews while rebuilding the temple.
He has a series of night visions.
Encourages Zerubbabel.
Tells prophecy of Jesus coming.
Who was Ezra?
A scribe that copied scrolls, especially Jewish Law.
He was committed to preserving the law.
Ezra made a list of 114 couples that married non-Jews and told them what?
To get a divorce and keep purity.
What was Ezra’s message?
“Save and preserve purity of the faith”
What was Ezra’s nickname and why?
“2nd Moses”
Because he said, “we are going to be people that obey the law no matter what”
Who was Nehemiah?
The Persian King’s cupbearer. and a Prophet.
What was Nehemiah’s duty?
To help build walls, against opposition.
What were the 3 attacks to stop wall building?
1) Physical attack
2) Asked to meet outside village and to “talk”
3) False prophets
Who was Malachi?
A prophet after Ezra and Nehemiah’s time.
What was Malachi’s main prophecies and key points?
Animals being brought for sacrifice that aren’t the best animals, usually sick ones.
1) Disrespecting God not giving the best sacrifices.
2) Disrespecting God by stealing from him with the tithe.
3) Family importance- turn the hearts of father to children and the hearts of children to father.
What is the last word used in the Old Testament?
Who attacked Asa but lost because of a faithful prayer?