OT Dr Nabilah Flashcards
What are the important points to present in Paediatric history?
1) Name
2) Age
3) Weight
4) Diagnosis
5) Operation plan
6) Co-morbidities (including syndromes: may have facial changes)
7) PMH (Previous operations)
8) Anaesthesia complications
What are paediatric cases at risk of developing during intubation?
How long should a patient fast from:
1) Food
2) Fluids
before surgery?
1) Food: 6 Hours
2) Clear fluids: 2 hours
What is TIVA?
Total Intravenous Anaesthesia
When is TIVA chosen over Inhalational maintenence of General Anaesthesia? (4)
- Recent upper respiratory tract infection
- Patient with throat pathology
- patient with history of Malignant hyperthermia
- High risk for PONV
What is used to monitor patient awareness during TIVA? AND
What is the range of that device parameter to ensure patient is not aware?
Bispectral index (BIS): form of Electroencephalogram (EEG)
Range: 40-60
1) What does MAC Stand for?
2) Define MAC.
3) What MAC value is appropriate to ensure patient is not aware?
1) Mean Alveolar concentration
2) The MAC value is the concentration of an inhalational agent in the alveoli required to prevent movement in response to a noxious stimulus in 50 percent of subjects after allowing sufficient time for uptake and redistribution of the inhalation agent to reach a steady state
3) MAC 1
Which volatile agent can be used during induction and maintenance phase?
What is the formula to calculate ETT size:
1) Without cuff?
2) With cuff?
1) Without cuff: Age/4 +4
2) With cuff: Age/4+ 3.5
What are the formulas to calculate ETT anchor? (2)
1) Age x3
2) Age/2 +12
Analgesia can be divided into two categories! What are they? And give examples for each.
Opioid: Fentanyl, remifentanil, sufentanil, alfentanil, hydromorphine, morphine, methadone
Non- opioid: Ketamine, Lidocaine, Nsaids, Paracetamol
What are the three main types of regional anaesthesia?
1) Peripheral nerve blocks
2) Epidural and spinal anaesthesia (also have combined Spinal epidural aka CSE)
3) Intravenous regional anaesthesia (Bier block)
What is Holliday-Segar rule? And provide the formula.
It is the 4-2-1 rule used to calculate the daily and hourly need of fluid in children.
*4mL/kg for the first 10kg
*2ml/kg for the next 10kg
*1ml/kg for the next 1kg beyond 20kg
When fasted for 6 hours prior to surgery, the fluids missed should be replaced during surgery if patient was not on IV fluids prior, true or false?
True, use 4-2-1 rule to calculate maintenance and multiply it by 6 hours.
How to maintain temperature of patient? (3)
Wrap patient
Bair hugger