Oswald Flashcards
Oswald birth
1939, New Orleans, Louisiana
Oswald origin
son of Marguerite and Robert Oswald Sr, who dies of heart attack 2 months before Lee is born.
2 siblings
1942- Marguerite sends boys to orphanage and then boarding school
1952- Lee and Marguerite move to New York City, in Bronx
truants school, taken to court and sent to youth detention centre for 3 weeks of psychiatric evaluation. Doctor declared that he was, “an emotionally disturbed youngster.”
Oswald Marines career
1956- enlists
1958- wounds himself with an illegal pistol and was court-martialed. Started to learn Russian.
1959- resigns from Marines
what did the sergeant in charge of training say about Oswald?
“A slightly better than average shot for a marine, excellent by civilian standards.”
time in Soviet Union
1959- travels to Helsinki, Finland where he gains Visa to enter Soviet Union
17th October 1959- applies for Soviet citizenship but KGB refuse. Allowed to remain in USSR on the basis of a yearly review.
31st October 1959- goes to US embassy in USSR to renounce his US citizenship
13th February 1960- notifies US Embassy that he wants to return to USA
30th April- marries Marina Prusakova
2nd June 1962- gains permission to return to USA
immigration to Dallas
October 1962
befriends group of Russian emigres
George de Mohrenschildt finds him a job at a photo lab
Oswald allegedly uses lab equipment to forge new identity, Alex J. Hidell
ordering gun
12th March 1963
A. Hidell orders a Mannlicher-Carcano rifle
New Orleans trip
24th April 1963
travels to start New Orleans chapter of Fair Play for Cuba Committee (FPCC)
17th August- talks about role as ‘secretary’ of New Orleans chapter of FPCC on radio
Mexico City trip
26th September 1963
man claiming to be Oswald visits Cuban Consulate in Mexico City where he fills out a Visa application to enter Cuba. He is told it would take several months to get Soviet Visa and can’t enter Cuba without one.
14th October- returns to Dallas
job at Texas School Book Depository
16th October 1963- starts work
22nd November 1963
JFK assassinated
Oswald arrested for murder of J.D. Tippit
Oswald charged with assassination of JFK
23rd November 1963
Oswald death
24th November 1963- murdered by Jack Ruby