Osteoarthritis Flashcards
Primary vs. secondary OA
Pirmary - genetic, metabolic, biomechfactors
Secondary - pre-existing joint damage
Initial primary OA
Focal damage to articular cartilage
Loosens the colagen netowrk which weaknes ECM and stimulates chondrocytes
Chondrocytes produce proinflam cytokines and proteases which cause further matrix degen and chondrocyte death
Extensive degeneration occurs
Result is thinning of cartilage and lack of chondrocytes (can’t repair)
Extraarticular structures and OA
Proinflam cytokines and proteases from articular cartilage will degenerate ECM and lead to meniscal and ligament tears
Capsule and synovium become inflamed and thickened and release even more factors
OSteoblasts produce new subchondral bone through collagen so get sclerosis and osteophytes
Osteoclasts in center can cause bone erosions
Causes of OA
Single most clear is age
Most over 50 have evidence
Women more, esp in hands and knees
Mutations in colagen
Anatomic and joint load and OA
Varus or valgus increase risk
Obesity increases hip and knee
Joint injury can result in changes within 1-0 years
Participation in sports with koint lodaing
OA Chart of causes
Vulnerable joint - older, female, genetic
Mech - misalignment, muscle weakbness, comporomised integrity
Joint loading - obesity, macrotrauam, microtrauam
Epidemiology of OA
Most over 50 have some form…only 10% present with sx
CM of OA
Primarily pain with activity, stiffness with rest, bone enlargement, and reduced ROM
Generally worse later in day and with increased activity
Morning stiffness common but limited to less than 30 minutes
Most common locations
First carpometacarpal joint
First metatarsophalangeal joint Cervical and lumbar facet joints Knees, hips Interphalangeal joints (distal)
Exam of osteoarthritis
Bondy swelling
DIP - Heberden’s
PIP - Bouchards
May have tenderness or crepitus
Dz of OA
Over 45 y/o with activity related pain locazlized to commonly affecrted joints with morning stiffness less than 30 minutes
Should do other testing to rule out other things
Radio OA
Loss of joint space
Subchondral bone cytsts
Nonpharm managmeent of OA
COmibination of aerobic and muscle strengthening exercises
Weight loss
Orthotics or braces
Pharm therapy
Can’t change course
Topical capsaicin or NSAID gels
Severe OA
Total joint failure so knee or hip joint replacement are highly effective managements