OSCE Preparation Flashcards
What does ‘DRSABC’ stand for in basic life support?
D = Danger (assess safety of surrounding area/ remove anything that could be dangerous to yourself/the patient)
R = Response (shake patient’s shoulders gently and say loudly ‘can you hear me’)
S = Shout (for help)
A = Airway (check airway for blockages)
B = Breathing (put ear to the patient’s mouth and listen/feel for breathing; look for chest movement)
C = Circulation (check for pulse)
Re DRSABC: When you shout for help and someone responds, what should you ask them to do?
Ask them to phone an ambulance and provide the following information:
- Nature of the incident - cardiac arrest
- Location of incident
- Phone number
- Where to meet them
Ask them to get an oxygen cylinder, bag-valve mask and defibrillator.
How do you carry out CPR on an individual who is in cardiac arrest?
Remove patient’s clothing
Shave hair on chest if necessary
Attach the defibrillator pads on patient’s chest in the correct positions
Follow instructions on defibrillator
Start compressions at the sternum in the chest, one hand clasped on top of the other 5-6cm deep
30 compressions to 2 rescue breaths using bag-valve mask
When defibrillator announces a shock will be initiated, stand back and make sure the area surrounding the patient is clear.
Repeat the process until the ambulance arrives.
When two heart rhythms are shockable?
Ventricular fibrillation (V-fib) and tachycardia No shock is given if heart is in asystole or pulseless electrical activity (PEA)
What is the purpose of CPR?
To keep organs fresh - tissues die when deprived of oxygen (become acidotic)
What is the success rate if the defibrillator is attached in under 3 minutes?
Describe the steps in post-resuscition care
Keep assessing whether they are still breathing and have a pulse
Reassure casualty
Do not take the AED pads off
Keep casualty on the bag valve mask
They casualty could rearrest - be prepared to give CPR again
What does AED stand for?
Automated External Defibrillator
What is agonal breathing?
A brainstem reflex that makes the individual look as though they are breathing - gasping movement of mouth. This is not true breathing, CPR should be carried out