Clinical Development of the Dentition Flashcards
What is orthodontics?
Orthodontics is that branch of dentistry concerned with facial growth, with development of the dentition and occlusion, and with the diagnosis, interception and treatment of occlusal anomalies.
What are the stages of development (of the dentition)?
Newborn, primary (deciduous) dentition, mixed dentition, permanent dentition
Describe newborn “dentition”
Gum pads, upper rounded, lower U shaped
Anterior open bite
Often appear very skeletal class 2
Describe skeletal class I (antero/posterior relationship)
Mandible is 2-3mm posterior to the maxilla
Describe skeletal class II (antero-posterior relationship)
Mandible is retruded relative to the maxilla
Describe skeletal class III (antero-posterior relationship)
Mandible is protruded relative to the maxilla
What is a natal tooth
A tooth present at birth. Rare. Needs to be removed
What is cleft lip and palate?
Congenital defect that has a profound impact on patient’s dental development. Structures that form the upper lip and palate fail to fuse. Require a lot of treatment, early intervention carried out throughout stages of life. Surgery and orthodontics required.
When do primary teeth erupt?
6 months - 3 years
Which primary teeth erupt first?
Lowers erupt before uppers
How does the primary dentition differ from permanent dentition?
Incisors are more upright than permanent dentition
Often marked wear towards the end
Why is it best to having spacing in primary dentition?
To prevent crowding when permanent dentition erupt
What percentage of cases will show crowding with no spacing in primary dentition?
66% crowding
What percentage of cases will show crowding with <3mm spacing?
50% crowding
What percentage of cases will show crowding with 3-6mm spacing?
20% crowding
What percentage of cases will show crowding with >6mm spacing?
No crowding
Describe mixed dentition
Mixture of primary and permanent teeth
Age 6-13 approx.
Incisors and first molars erupt at age 6-8.5
Canines, premolars and second molars erupt at 10-12.5
Which teeth generally erupt at age 6?
Upper and lower 6s
Lower 1s
Which teeth generally erupt at age 7?
Upper 1s
Lower 2s
Which teeth generally erupt at age 8?
Upper 2s