OSCE 2 Flashcards
2.1 Humphrey ADE
pg 81
i Componenets
ii what pressure does relief valve open at
iii advantage
Inspiratory + expiratory tubing
Humphrey block
- apl valve
- indicator
- reservoir bag
Lever - spont / cv
vent port / saftey pressure relief valve
(opens at 60)
Adv 1 Effic Sv + CV 2 Single system adult / children 3 Choice - semi closed w/out soda lime or circle w canister 4 Easy scavenge
What are the changes with lever position
Explain how it functions as each
mapleson A when lever up - SV
FGF 50-60
lever down - mapleson E CV
70ml kg min
Level up - A
resevoir bag -> inspiratory limb
Expire - thru expire limb to APL- scavenge connected
end expiration - mix alveolar and dead space thru apl
inspiratory - gas breathed inspiratory limb + resevor bag
Lever down reservoir bag isolated inspiratory limb \+ APL valve isolated from expiratory limb acts as a t piece - insp limb gas delivery tube to patient end of T piece and expiratory limb acts as a reservoir limb of t piece
attach reservoir bag and apl converted to D
exp limb reservoir of t piece can be connected to ventilator
ECG basics
Normal recording speed
5mm = 1mv
Normal recording speed 25mm/sec
QRS >120ms -
rSR’ / rsR’ V1
Wide Term S in lead 1 and V6
QRs >120
upright QRS I + V6
Predom neg qrs in V1
neg I
III neg
2.2 PM Insertion indications
1 Sinus node -
sick sinus syndrome
recurrent stoke adams
SN dyfxn
Symp 2nd hb
symp bifasic
trifascic hb
3 Chronic AF
4 Persistent / symp 2nd or 3rd hblock w. MI
5 Atribeicent pacing in mod to severe hf
2.3 Data interpretation
Act charcoal + lavage may be useful for 24hr
Acidic drugs - elim alkaline urine
achieve 1.26 soium bic
increase elim - plasma level 3.6>
HDial - considered >5.1 / lower w/ fetaures
aspirin 90% prot bound - OD >25% removed by HD
2.4 Cushing reflex
what happens
whats the response to the initial defence mechanism
Increased intracranial HTN
Ischaemia of hypothalamus -
activates SNS
increase Contractility , HR, VCON
Increase bp maint CPP
Raised BP increased baroreceptor d.c
= inhibition of vasomotor centre
increase PS d/c
= bradycardia
2.4 Diabetes insipidus in Ischaemia
High urine output
low urine osmolality 50-200
high serum osmolality
norma to elevated serum sodium
U out >90ml kg day ~4ml kg hour
spec gravity < 1.101
Trauma surgery pit / hyptohal
2.5 Stellate ganglion block
anatomy pic page 95
where is stellate ganglion
describe techniqu 5 points
Anatomy page 95
Vertebral + subclavian close
- Informed consent
- Drugs / equipment check
- Aseptic technique
- supine + neck extended
5 Between trachea + carotid sheath
@ cricoid - chassaignacs tubercle of c6
- neg aspiration + inject LA
2.5 b
Indicatios for stellate ganglion block
1 Pain syndrome
CRPS 1+2
Refractory angina
phatnom limb pain
2 Vascular insufficiency
oblit vascular disease
2.5 c
Features of successful block
Fetaures horners
Increase temp ipsi UL
Ptosis miosis anhydrosis enopthalmos loss ciliospinal reflex
2.5 d
Name 4 complications of stellate ganglion block
Needle in wrong place
1 vascular injury
haematoma trauma to carotid
2 Neural injury - vagus / brachail plexu
3 Pulmonary injury - PTX haemotx
4 Oesophageal perf
Spread LA
1 IV inject
2 Epidural block
BP injury
Soft tissue / neuraxial
2.6 Communication of brain stem testing
a marking scheme for osce station
1 Introduce self
2 Confirm talking to right person
3 asks what understand so far
4 explains breathing machine on life support
5 explains scan findings
6 Neurosurgical r/v + opinion
7 Explains procedures of bs test
8 respeated again
9 signifcance of brains stem testing / breathing machine off
10 organ donation
11 reassure explain
2.6 b
Principles of communication
- Introduce + explain role and purpose
- Establish understanding + knowledge of person
3 Honest + Provide correct info and facts
- Explain in simple language
- Actively listen
- Respond to verbal and non verbal
- Summarise and clarify - provide opportunity clarification
Brain stem testing
3 preconditions
- Apnoea + MV
- Establish cause coma = reversible injury
- Exclude reversible causes
Brian stops working not send mentions to unconcoius fxn + cant recieve info back
= No chance of recovery and by law has passed away
Tech skill
a LP -> spinal anaesthesia
Surface landmarks - spine
Describe procedure
C7 - Most prominent Spinous process
T7 - Inferior scapula tip
Locate - asis / iliac crest sitting / lateral
not higher LP / spinal
- Consent, resus, equipment
- IV access establish
- Monitoring ecg spo2 nibp
- strelity
5 back prep -> antiseptic soln + sterile draping - LA infiltration