OSCE 1 Flashcards
1.1 a Check the breathing system on machine circle absorber
- Visual inspection
- Ensure soda lime present not used up
- Identify blockages
- Leak test
- Flow 0, Close APL, Occlude Y, pressure bag to 30cmh20 w/ flush, ensure remains fixed >10s, open apl - ensure decreased - Leaks?
- 1 way valves - connecting bags
second bag - sim lung on Y, fill with flush + manually ventilate - ensure inflate and deflation lung connected y - watch movement unidrectional
1.1 b What are the benefits of the system circle absorber
- Economy - FGF reduced - <1lmin, reduced consumption volatiles
- Humidification - inspired gas saturated w/ water vapour from expire gas
- Reduce heat loss - conservation of heat - exothermic reaction co2 absorption assists maint body temp
- Reduced pollution - using low FGF - escaped volatile minimised
1.1 c What happens if a unidirectional valve malfunctions
Mixing of inspired gas with expired gas - Co2 = hypercapnia
1.1 d What is the mesh size of granules
what’s that in mm
What do you understand by x-y mesh
4-8 mesh or 3-4 mm spheres
Strainers w/ 4-8 mesh - 4 equal strands per linear inch both vertical + horizontal axes
8 mesh = 8 = strands per linear inch
granules of 4-8 mesh size pass thru strainers w/ 4-8 mesh
1.1 e What constitutes soda lime
What are contaminants produced w/ soda ime
NaOH, CaOH, KOH, Water, Silica
Compound A - sevo
CO - des iso enflurane
methane + acetone also produced
1.1 f Chemical reactions soda lime
Co2 reacts w/ water = carbonic acid - reacts cal hydrox - calc carb and water
co2 also reacts w/ naoh -> sodium bic - reacts calcium hydroxide to regenerate sodium hydroxide
CO2 + H20 -> H2C03 & H+ & HCO3-
CaOH2 & ++ & HCO3- -> CaCO3 + 2 H2O
CO2 + 2 NaOH -> Na2CO3 & H2O & Heat
Na2CO3 & CaOH2 -> 2NaOH & CaCO3
water required for absorption
moisture already present
more added patient
1.1 g Unidirectional valve - how does it function
Inspiration -
FG & CO2 free gas from reservoir bag passes thru inspiratory unidirectional vavle & inspiratory limb to patient
During expiration
inspiratory undirect valve closed and expire gas from exp limb pass thru expiratory unidirectional valve to soda lime canister
1.2 ECG
Trop T - greatest sensitivity and specificity detecting Acute Mi
norally not serum
Aspirin decrease mortaility
Delta wave - WPW
1.3 Haemodynamics
Cardiac index calculation
Normal ranges
SVR calc
normal range
Stroke index = SV/BSA
SVR = MAP - CVP / CO x 80
Fluid guidance - BP, CVP, Wedge
DO2 = CaO2 x 10 x CO
CaO2 Hb x SaO2 x 1.34/100
PVR PAP - PAWP / CP x 80
1.4 Stats
Correlation coefficient is denoted by
what is it
Regression involve
R ranges from
Independent variable
Independent variable plot on
complete absence
Correlation coefficient is denoted by letter R
denotes association between 2 quant variables
Regression involves estimating best straight line to summarise association
R ranges from 1 -> -1
When 1 vary increase w/ other - positive
Independent variable plot on X axis
Assoc strength
0.2 very weak .4 weak .6 mod .8 strong 1 strong
complete absence represented by 0
correlation =/= causation
Significance of data tested using t-test for parametric data or a non paratmetic test - spearman rank correlation
1.5 Anatomy IJV
label pg 19
Describe course
Originates @ jugular foramen -continues w. sigmoid sinus runs down neck terminate between sternoclavicular joint join subclavian vein form brachiocephalic
Common facial Vein
Lingual Vein
Superior and middle thyroid veins
Pharyngeal venous plexus
1.5 Anatomy IJV
ant x3
post x 3
med x3
2 Vagus between V+A
3 SCM lower part b
1 Symp Chain
2 Dome pleura
3 Thoracic duct
1 Carotid Artery
3 Deep cervical LN close to vein
1.5 b Describe CVC insertion
1 Sterile + head down
2 LA to skin
3 US + use
4 approiate skin punc + direction needle
5 aspiration blood + insert guidewire
6 Passes dilo and railroad cvc catheter
7 Aspirates lumens + suture
1.5 c CVC complications
A Mechanical
Needling / Introduction catheter
1 Haemorrhage 2 PTX 3 Haemothroax 4 Air embolism 5 Nerve damge 6 exvasc catheter placement 7 chylothorax
B Infective
C Thrombotic
1.5 d Veins of head and neck on page 19
1 Supficial temporal vein 2 facial vein 3 retromandibular v 4 IJV 5 Ant jug v 6 post auricular V 7 EJV 8 Vertebral
1.5 e
Tributaries of IJV
1 Inferior petrosal vein 2 Pharyngeal veins 3 Facial vein 4 Superior thyroid vein 5 Middle thyroid vein 6 EJV 7 IJV 8 Ant jug v 9 Brachiocephalic V 10 Subclavian V
1.6 F
Major veins of head and neck describe
Ijv contin of sigmoid sinus
Runs down neck vertrical
lateral to interal carotid artery
then lateral to CCA
Glossopharyngeal + hypogloassal N
-forward between IJ and CCA
Vagus descend between and behind v + a in same sehath
Many tributaries within neck
Inferior petrosal sinus, common facial, lungual pharygneal super midldle thyroid veins
sometimes occip
EJV commences sub of partoid gland @ level mandilbe
passes down to midpoint of clav and enter subclav vein
crosses SCM
RIJ is straighter - more common for canullation
1.7 ATI
Awake tracheal intubation explain to pt
14 points on marking sheet
1 Introduce
2 Understanding previous problem
3 Explain why intubate
4 Normally done
5 Why different
6 Other methods - VL after induction
7 Disadvantage
failure intubvate
further danger d/t difficulty BMV
8 Adv / benef
Maint airway = safer
9 May use sedation
10 monitoring
11 LA tech
12 Compare to camera test
13 simple terms
14 clarity
1.7 ATI b indication C/I Procedure
why nose
Indi - known / suspected difficult airway
aspiration risk + difficult intubate antic
cervical cord instabiltiy
c/i rel upper airway bleeding bleeding tendency stridor uncoop patient
full monit
iv acces
supplement o2 thr
sedation + reversal
head end / operator in front
Nasal - Alignment / uncomfortable
1.7 ATI
Techniques airway anaesthesia
Lower airway
1 Nose
Cocaine 1.5mg kg or
lidocaine 5% w/ phenyl 0.5%
Oropharynx Lido 4%
gargle 4-5ml solution
3-4 spray of 10% lidocaine (spray 10mg)
Neb also a technique
Lower airway
Spray as you go
4% lido - thru scope w/ epidural catheter down scope
direct visualisation
scope adv to base 2ml 4% sprayed
another 1-2,ml sprayed glottis and vocal cord
scope advance & 1ml thru vocal cords
Total 3-6ml 4% required
1.7 ATI
Internal laryngeal N
Int laryngeal nerve
branch superior laryngeal
block internal / external approach
hyoid bone located directly above thyroid
greater horn - located lateral most part none
SLN block walking 25g needle off greater horn inject 2ml 2%
accident art inject into CCA possible complication
internal laryngeal run under muc membrane covering piriform fossa
Trans laryngeal skin cricothyroid infiltrate w/ LA needle / cannula attach to syringe - n saline thru cric direct bac and caudal avoid vc trauma aspiration air 4ml 4% lido inject end inspiration cough - spread above below
1.7 Surgical cricothyroidotomy ? NOT RECOMMENDED PRACTICE NO MORE? - LOOK UP
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