Orthopedic Tests - Midterm Flashcards
Motor Testing - Biceps
C6 - Musculocutaneous nerve
Pt flexes elbow 90˚.
Doc pushes down on wrist.
Motor Testing - Deltoids
C5 - Axillary nerve
Pt abducts shoulder 90˚.
Doc pushes down on elbow.
Motor Testing - Triceps
C7 - Radial nerve
Pt abducts shoulder 90˚, extends elbow 90˚.
Doc stabilizes elbow, pushes in on wrist.
Motor Testing - Wrist Extensors
C6 - Radial nerve
Pt extends wrist, balls up fist.
Doc pulls down on dorsum of hand.
Motor Testing - Wrist Flexors
C7 - Median/Ulnar nerve
Pt extends wrist, balls up fist.
Doc pushes up on fist.
Motor Testing - Finger Extensors
C7 - Ulnar/Median nerve
Pt extends elbow, pronates forearm. Doc pushes down on fingers while pt resists.
Motor Testing - Finger Flexors
C8 - Ulnar/Median nerve
Pt grips doc’s pointer/middle fingers.
Motor Testing - Finger Abductors / Adductors
T1 - Ulnar Nerve
Abd- Doc pushes in on pt’s pinky/ring fingers.
Add - Doc places fingers between pt’s while pt squeezes fingers.
PE - Reflex Grading
4+ Hyperreflexia (may have sustained clonus)
3+ Hyperreflexia (may be upper half of normal)
2+ Normal (lower half of normal)
1+ Hyporeflexia (trace response or with reinforcement)
0 Areflexia (no muscle contraction with reinforcement)
PE - Tenderness Grading
+1/4 Tenderness with no physical response
+2/4 Tenderness with grimace and/or flinch
+3/4 Tenderness with withdrawal (positive “jump” sign)
+4/4 Withdrawal to non-noxious stimuli
PE - Motor Grading
5/5 Muscle completes ROM against gravity with full resistance
4/5 Muscle completes ROM against gravity with some resistance
3/5 Muscle completes ROM against gravity but without resistance
2/5 Muscle completes ROM with gravity eliminated
1/5 Slight contractility; no joint motion; inability to complete ROM with gravity eliminated
0/5 No evidence of muscle contraction
Reflex Testing - Biceps
Doc supports pt’s arm, strikes own thumb on biceps tendon.
Biceps contracts, elbow flexes.
Reflex Testing - Brachioradialis
Doc strikes hammer 4 inches proximal to base of thumb.
Brachioradialis contracts, forearm supinates.
Reflex Testing - Triceps
Pt abducts shoulder 90˚, internally rotates forearm.
Doc supports arm, strikes just above olecranon fossa.
Triceps contracts, forearm extends.
Sensory Testing - C5
Over deltoid tuberosity (lateral arm)
BILATERAL, pt’s eyes closed, always follow dull w/ sharp
Sensory Testing - C6
Thumb, lateral/distal forearm
BILATERAL, pt’s eyes closed, always follow dull w/ sharp
Sensory Testing - C7
Middle finger
BILATERAL, pt’s eyes closed, always follow dull w/ sharp
Sensory Testing - C8
Pinky finger
BILATERAL, pt’s eyes closed, always follow dull w/ sharp
Sensory Testing - T1
Medial forearm at level of elbow
BILATERAL, pt’s eyes closed, always follow dull w/ sharp
Reflex Testing - Causes of Hyporeflexia
technique error, LMNL
Reflex Testing - Causes of Hyperreflexia
hyper-reactor, UMNL, nerve root irritation
Spinous Percussion Test
Assess for vertebral fracture, metastatic dz, disc impingement
(+) - pain, lingering pain
Doc percusses cervical / thoracic sp’s one at a time.
Valsalva Maneuver
Assess for herniated disc or SOL
(+) - increase/presentation of peripheral sxs
Pt asked to “bear down” / “blow up balloon”, 2-3 secs
Cervical Compression Test
Assess for radiculopathy/radiculitis, disc herniation, spinal stenosis, SOL, osteophytes
(+) - pain, paresthesia, numbness to upper extremity/between shoulder blades
Pt sitting up straight, neutral position. Doc slowly pushes down on top of head
Spurling’s Test
Assess for nerve root impingement
(+) - pain
Pt lat flex head toward symptomatic side. Doc slowly pushes down on top of head
Soto Hall / Brudzinski Test
Assess for meningitis, fracture, joint/ligament injury, facet syndrome, disc derangement, sprain
(+) - pain, Brudzinski sign
Pt supine. One hand on top of sternum. Other doc hand underneath pt head/neck. Doc flexes head toward chest w/ pressure on sternum.
Forward Bending Test (Adam’s Test)
Assess for scoliosis
(+) - unilateral asymmetry
Pt bends forward. Doc stands behind observing symmetry.
Upper Limb Tension Test for Median Nerve
Assess for nerve impingement, adhesions, radiculitis, neurogenic TOS
(+) pain, reproduction of sxs
Pt supine. Shoulder depression, shoulder abd 90˚, ext rot 90˚, forearm supination, wrist/finger extension, elbow extension, contralat/ipsilat flexion of head
Maximum Foraminal Compression Test
Assess for nerve root impingement
(+) - pain
Pt rotates/extends/lat flexes head. Doc slowly pushes down on top of head