Orthopedic Tests - Final Flashcards
PE - Reflex Grading
4+ Hyperreflexia (may have sustained clonus)
3+ Hyperreflexia (may be upper half of normal)
2+ Normal (lower half of normal)
1+ Hyporeflexia (trace response or with reinforcement)
0 Areflexia (no muscle contraction with reinforcement)
PE - Tenderness Grading
+1/4 Tenderness with no physical response
+2/4 Tenderness with grimace and/or flinch
+3/4 Tenderness with withdrawal (positive “jump” sign)
+4/4 Withdrawal to non-noxious stimuli
PE - Motor Grading
5/5 Muscle completes ROM against gravity with full resistance
4/5 Muscle completes ROM against gravity with some resistance
3/5 Muscle completes ROM against gravity but without resistance
2/5 Muscle completes ROM with gravity eliminated
1/5 Slight contractility; no joint motion; inability to complete ROM with gravity eliminated
0/5 No evidence of muscle contraction
Lumbar Spinous Percussion Test
Assess for vertebral fracture, metastatic dz, disc impingement
(+) - pain, lingering pain
Doc percusses lumbar sp’s one at a time.
Muscle Testing - Iliopsoas
Pt seated. Ask pt to lift knee. Apply downward force above knee while pt resists.
Muscle Testing - Quadriceps
Pt seated. Doc pushes lower leg just proximal to ankles while pt resists. Other hand at knee to stabilize.
Muscle Testing - Tibialis Anterior
Pt seated. Pt foot dorsiflexed, w/ knee slightly bent. Doc pulls down on foot while pt resists.
Muscle Testing - Extensor Hallucis Longus
Pt supine. Doc pushes/pulls down on big toe while pt resists, keeping toe straight up.
Muscle Testing - Flexor Hallucis Longus
Pt supine. Doc pushes up on big toe, while pt curls toe and resists. One hand on top of foot for stability.
Muscle Testing - Peroneus Longus / Brevis
Pt supine. Pt everts foot and resists while doctor attempts to invert foot. One hand on opposite side of leg above ankle for stability.
Muscle Testing - Gastrocnemius / Soleus
Pt standing. Ask pt to come up onto their toes 10x per leg.
Alt - pt supine. Foot in neutral. Doc presses up on bottom of foot while pt resists.
Reflex Testing - Patellar
Pt seated w/ legs off of table.
Doc strikes immediately distal to inferior border of patella.
Reflex Testing - Medial Hamstrings
Pt seated w/ one leg up on table, slightly bent. Strike 1” above joint line, directly on hamstring tendons (semimembranosus, semitendinosus)
Reflex Testing - Achilles
S1 Pt seated w/ leg off of table. Doc strikes achilles tendon. ALT - Pt standing w/ one knee on table. Doc strikes tendon BILATERAL.
Babinski Sign
Assess for UMNL (cauda equina syndrome, myelopathy, spinal cord injury, stroke)
Pt supine.
Doc runs sharp end of reflex hammer superiorly along lateral border of feet and then medially toward big toe.
Absent - flexion of big toe / no response
Present - extension of big toe w/ fanning of toes
Valsalva Maneuver
Assess for herniated disc or SOL
(+) - increase/presentation of peripheral sxs
Pt asked to “bear down” / “blow up balloon”, 2-3 secs
Bechterew’s Test (Seated Straight Leg Raise)
Assess for sciatic nerve irritation (L4/5, S1)
Pt seated.
Doc asks pt to actively straighten one leg at a time. Add neck flexion or slumped posture to increase sensitivity. If (-), ask pt to raise both legs.
(+) - pain/numbness/tingling down posterior thigh, pain in low back
Pelvic Distraction Test
Assess for sacroilliac pathology.
Ask pt if they’re ticklish. If yes, place pt’s hands over ASIS.
Pt supine. Doc crosses arms and places palms on ASIS. Lean w/ body wt and push ASIS posterior and lateral.
Alt - push straight down w/o crossing arms
Biomechanics: ant distracts / post compress, shearing if straight down
(+) - pain at the SI joint
Anvil Test
Assess for fracture (femur, tibia, fibula, calcaneus).
Pt supine w/ foot in neutral (90˚) position. Doc uses heel of hand to strike the heel of the pt’s foot. Strike 3 times with increasing force.
Biomechanics: compress hip joint
(+) - pain in any of the bones
Patrick’s Test (FABER)
Assess hip pathology (SI joint / capsule)
Pt supine. Doc crosses pt’s leg over the other above the level of knee. Doc places one hand at crossed knee and the other at opposite ASIS (pt’s hand below doc’s). Stabilizing the ASIS, the doc pushes down on the crossed knee, extending it.
FABER (flex, abd, ext rotation - hip)
Biomechanics: compress femoral head into acetabulum
(+) - pain at hip (trochanter, deep groin), SI joint (low back), or crossed leg stays above other leg w/ pressure
Yeoman’s Test
Assess for hip pathology (SI joint stabilized), lumbar pathology, and femoral nerve pathology (herniated disc, L2/3/4 irritation)
Pt prone. Flex pt knee to 90˚. Doc cups knee with one hand. Doc stabilizes SI joint by pushing down between PSIS and PIIS on symptomatic side with heel of hand. Use legs to lift hip into extension.
Biomechanics: hyperextend the hip
(+) - hip pain, anterior leg pain (if femoral nerve)
Belt Test
Assess for lumbar spine pathology (part 1/2) and SI pathology (part 1 only).
Pt standing.
Pt. 1 - Ask pt to bend forward and touch their toes.
Pt. 2 - Doc places hip against sacrum and holds onto SI joint. Ask pt to bend forward.
(+) - pain in low back