Orthopaedic Examination Flashcards
what might we consider in terms of signalment?
what might we ascertain about the history of the presenting complaint?
medications given
onset and duration of lameness
whether continuous/intermittent
effect of exercise/rest/different ground surfaces
concurrent problems
what type of orthopaedic injury tends to become worse with exercise?
soft tissue/tendon injury
what are we assessing in terms of stance?
weightbearing - equal on all 4 limbs?
angular deformities
what is varus?
where the distal part of the limb is medial
what is valgus?
where the distal part of the limb is lateral
what should we be assessing in terms of gait?
stride length
head nodding
scuffing of nails
ataxia, paraparesis, paraplegia
how can we assess gait?
evaluate during walk/trot/stairs/circles
how is lameness graded?
on a scale of 1-10
what is grade 0 lameness?
what is grade 1 lameness?
occasionally shifts weight
what is grade 2 lameness?
mild lameness at slow trot, none whist walking
what is grade 3 lameness?
mild lameness while walking
what is grade 4 lameness?
obvious lameness whilst walking, places foot when standing
what is grade 5-8 lameness?
increasing degrees of severity
what is grade 9 lameness?
places toe when standing, carries limb when trotting
what is grade 10 lameness?
unable to weight bear
what are we looking for when palpating during an orthopaedic physical examination?
muscle atrophy
joint enlargement
abnormal conformation
what does SPIRM stand for?
Swelling, joint effusion
Range of motion
when we palpate the limbs, what are we looking for?
muscle atrophy
what other type of injury must we consider during an orthopaedic examination?
how can we check for neurological abnormalities during an ortho exam?
palpate spine - neck and lumbosacral joint
screening neurological examination - conscious proprioception, spinal reflexes (patella, withdrawal and perineal)
what does the cranial draw test do?
tests the integrity of the cranial crucial ligament
how do you perform the cranial draw test?
patient in lateral recumbency
hold femur and tibia and try to move tibia cranially with respect to the femur
repeat test with stifle at different angles or flexion/extension
what does the tibial compression (thrust) test do?
tests cranial cruciate ligament integrity
how is the tibial compression (thrust) test performed?
hand over distal femur, first finger on tibial tuberosity, other hand on the foot
keep stifle still whilst flexing hock
tibial tuberosity displaces cranially if ligament ruptured
what is the advantage of the tibial compression test?
can be done on a conscious animal