Orthopaedic examination Flashcards
- assymetry
- inward, outward pointing of paw
- scoliosis (lateral curvature)
- frequent sitting (pelvic limb lameness)
- frequent lying down - thoracic limb lameness
- shortened stride length
- abnormal joint movement
- head movement
- head bobbing
- scuffing of nails
- ataxia
Pelvic limb icoordination
Neurological deficits but motor function present
Neurological deficits with absent motor function
Bunny hopping
Hip pain
Bobbing head
Thoracic limb lameness, “sink on the sound side”
Degrees of lameness - 0
Normal, no lameness
Degrees of lameness - 1
Off weight bearing at a stance, no lameness noted at a walk/trot
Degrees of lameness - 2
Mild lameness at a trot, non at a walk
Degrees of lameness - 3
Moderate lameness at a walk/trot
Degrees of lameness - 4
Places foot when standing, intermittently carries limb when trotting, “toe touching”
Degrees of lameness - 5
Non-weight bearing lameness
Distribution of weight in thoracic and pelvic limbs in %
Thoracic limbs carry 60% of the body weight, pelvic limbs carry 40%
Centre of gravity
Behind the elbow
Technology which can help us with gait analysis
- force plate
- pressure plates
- pressure-sensitive walkway
-pressure or force-sensitive treadmill - kinematic analysis
- activity trackers
Observation of a patients stance - SAW
Angular limb deformity
Weight bearing
Brief neurological exam
- spinal pain
- proprioceptive defects
- withdrawal reflex
- neck ROM
Any findings warrant full neurological examination
How do you differentiate between hip pain and lower back pain
- apply firm direct pressure to the lower back area
- in lateral recumbancy, flex hips and extend lower back
- extend hips and apply pressure to the lumbosacral area
- tail lift
palpation of standing animal
- assymetry
- swelling
- muscle atrophy
- joint effusion
- abnormal conformation (joint, bones)
- compare limbs
Palpation of joints - CRISP
- Crepitus
- Range of motion
- Instability
- Swelling/effusion
- Pain
Examination of limbs - SAP
- Swelling (bone or soft tissue)
- Atrophy of muscles (disuse, neurogenic)
- Pain (bone or soft tissue)
Cranial drawer test
Index finger on patellar and tibial crest; move tibia and fibula cranially, hold femur still.
May be negative due to collateral ligament resisting forward motion of the tibia when joint is fully extended
Tibial compression test/tibial thrust
One hand on cranial aspect of distal femur with first finger on tibial tuberosity, other hand on food, keep stifle still and flex the hook
Ortolani test
Hip dysplasia test
Lateral recumbancy, thumb on greater trochanter, hand on femur, push up towards spine and abduct - if click = positive
Bardens test (hip lift)
Lift up femur from hip - if more than 0,5cm then probably abnormal
Thumb displacement test
in traumatic luxation
Place thumb in depression between greater trochanter and ischial tuberosity, externally rotate the hip, if thumb is displaced then hip is NOT luxated.
Hip luxation - limb length
shorter limb is the abnormal one
Problem list
All presenting complaints that represent a problem for the animal - may be interrelated