Ortho Flashcards
Valgus abnormality?
knock knees
Varus abnormality?
bow legs
How are kids bones dif. from adults?
metabolically more active
thicker and more durable
What is an occult fx?
fracture not initially evident on plain xrays
Salter Harris I fx?
transverse physeal fx w/ widening
Salter Harris II fx?
fx through metaphysis and physis
Salter Harris III fx?
fx through physis and epiphysis
Salter harris IV fx?
fx through metaphysis, physis, and epiphysis
Salter harris V fx?
physeal compression or crush fx
What is the MC pediatric elbow fx?
supracondylar fx
Presentation of supracondylar fx?
FOOSH injury from height, typically w/ hyperextension
swelling, pain +/- deformity
What x-ray view will you best see a supracondylar fracture?
Tx of distal humerus supracondylar fx?
Type I/II: posterior splint w/ light overwrap, Ibuprofen, elevation, refer to ortho
Type III or NV concerns: emergent ortho consult
presentation of lateral condylar fx?
soft tissue swelling concentrated to lateral aspect of elbow
ttp over lateral condyle
Management of lateral condylar fx of distal humerus?
emergent referral if displacement >2mm
splint, sling, NSAIDs
ortho: casting v. surg
What are some complications of lateral condylar fx of distal humerus?
fishtail deformity
cubitus valgus/varus deformities
Common causes of medial epicondylar fx
muscle attachement avulsion-throwing athletes
may be assoc. w/ elbow dislocation
Management of medial epicondylar fx?
emergenct if entrapped fragment
splint: wrist & sling
ortho: short term immobilization v. open fixation
comps of medial epicondylar fx?
ulnar nerve palsy
angular deformity
decreased ROM
Common causes of radial neck fx?
FOOSH w/ valgus stress
elbow dislocations: during dislocation or relocation
Presentation of radial neck fx?
TTP over radial head/neck
pain w/ supination/pronation > flexion/extension
young children may complain of wrist pain
Management of radial neck fx?
immobilize (including wrist)
sling, NSAIDs, ortho
comps of radial neck fx?
premature physeal closure
loss of ROM
MC age range for nursemaid’s elbow?
common cause is sudden pull of pronated arm
Presentation of nursemaid’s elbow?
arm either fully extended or slightly flexed and pronated
overall refusal to use arm (may still use fingers)
mild pain over radial head, pain increase w/ attempts to supinate
What are the 2 ways that you can reduce a nursemaid’s elbow?
- hyperpronation w/ pressure over the radial head
- supination, flexion w/ pressure over radial head
then lollipop test
epidemiology of capitellar osteochondrosis “panner disease”
Males 5-10yos
dominant (throwing) arm
baseball, gymnastics, handball
Presentation of panner disease?
rapid onset of pain
deep, lateral pain
ROM: limited extension
no locking sensation
panner disease PE findings?
+/- swelling, TTP
pain/guarding w/ passive extension
lateral pain w/ valgus stress
Management of panner disease?
sxs care: ice, NSAIDs, rest
+/- immobilization, PT
avoidance of elbow stress for wks-mos
What is a monteggia fx?
ulnar (or radial and ulnar) shaft fracture w/ dislocation of radial head
When might you see a “dinner fork deformity”?
wrist fxs
common causes of wrist fractures?
direct fall: FOOSH
direct trauma
MC type of wrist fx?
distal radius typically involved at metaphysis
Presentation of wrist fx?
point TTP, swelling, ecchymosis
Management of wrist fx?
emergent w/ sig. clinical deformity or NV compromise
splint, NSAIDs
ortho: cast +/- reduction v. surg
Presentation of femur fx?
hx of trauma, pain in groin/buttock, unable to bear weight/walk
prox femur fx: pt will hold leg in slight adduction and external rotation-may see limb shorting
What must you r/o in child presenting with a femur fx?
child abuse