Orthdontics Flashcards
What are the possible complications for a patient with 12mm OJ, well aligned arches and ectopic canines?
Root resorption of adjacent 2s
Difficulty eating
Difficulty speaking
What are the potential complications of a dental retainer?
Calculus build up- higher risk of gingivitis and Periodontal disease
Caries- difficulty cleaning
Wire can debond
Wire can fracture
What are the components for correcting a posterior cross bite?
Aim- Please construct a URA to fix posterior xbite
A- Midline palatal screw
R- Adams clasps 0.7mm HSSW 4s/6s
A- reciprocal
B- Self cure PMMA with PBP
What is Deviation of the mandible on closing?
Mandible displaces in order for teeth to come into occlusion on closing
What are 2 problems that can occur if mandibular deviation goes untreated?
Tooth wear
Which fluoride supplements can be given to patients to prevent decalcification in Orthodontics?
FV- 22600ppmF (4 x yearly)
Fluoride mouthwash- 225ppmF (daily)
Duraphat toothpaste- 2800 ppmF (twice daily)
Fluoride tablet- 1mg per day
What are the other ways in which decalfication can be prevented?
Good OH
-> Interbracket cleaning after meals
-> Focusing on gingival margin and around bracket when brushing
Improve diet- limit sugar frequency
Chewing gum
What are the risks of Orthodontic treatment?
Root resorption
Soft tissue trauma
Enamel fracture
Tooth wear
Loss of vitality
Headgear injuries
Poor or failed tx
How would you assess the AP relationship of a class 3 malocclusion?
Palpate the skeletal bases at soft tissue A and soft tissue B
Lateral Ceph
Visual assessment
What special investigations may an orthodontist do for a patient worried about their Class 3 relationship?
Study models
Clinical photographs
Lateral ceph
What are the intra-oral features typical of class 3 relationship?
Retroclined lower incisors
Proclined upper incisors
Reversed or reduced OJ
Displacement on closure
What systemic condition may a patient have if their mandible is growing in adulthood?
Design a URA to fix anterior Crossbite of 12?
Aim- please construct a URA to fix cross bite on 12
A- Z spring 0.5 HSSW on 12
R- Adam’s clasps 0.7 HSSW on 4s/6s
A- Yes as moving one tooth
B- Selfcure PMMA with PBP
What characteristics of the dentition would make fixing an anterior crossbite with a URA?
What 5 factors can cause displacement of a URA?
Active component
When referring a patient to an orthodontist, what information relevant to their provision of care should be provided?
Patient details- age and name
Medical Hx
Radiographs and photographs
Skeletal base
Incisor classification
A patient undergoing orthodontic treatment, attends for a check up with debonded bracket and demineralisation around the remaining brackets. How is this managed?
Debonded bracket
-> remove and give to the patient
-> Give OHI and refer to orthodontist
Demineralisation around remaining brackets
-> OHI
-> Diet advice
-> Fluoride supplementation
What are the long term risks of lost upper 1?
Poor aesthetics
Bone resorption
Loss of labial profile
Drifting of other incisors
What are the long term risks of using a provisional upper RPD to replace an upper 1?
Why would you advise a patient against a crown to replace their upper 1?
Destructive treatment
OH must be adequate to place a crown
What advice would you give to a non-compliant patient to maintain their oral health long term?
Brush 2x daily with F tooth paste
Spit don’t rinse
Use modified bass technique
HIGH risk- so duraphat 5000ppmF could be offered
Interdental cleaning- floss or ID brushes
What are the uses of a URA?
Tipping teeth
Habit breaker
Expand arch
Reduce OB
Space maintainer
What advice is given upon fitting of a URA?
- Will feel bulky- normal
- May have excess salivation- goes away in 24 hours
- May affect speech- practise reading aloud
- May cause initial discomfort- indicates its working
- Wear 24/7- non-compliance increases tx time
- Remove after every meal and clean with soft brush
- Remove when playing contact sports
- Avoid hard/sticky and overly hot foods
What are the steps in delivering a URA?
- Check right patient- right appliance
- Check appliance matches design specification
- Inspect appliance for sharp areas
- Check integrity of wirework
- Insert into mouth- check for areas of blanching or trauma
- Check posterior retention
- Check anterior retention
- Activate appliance
- Demonstrate correct insertion/removal
When is the best time to treat an anterior crossbite?
When upper 2s erupt
What features make a URA useful at fixing crossbites?
What is the incidence of hypodontia in the UK?
What 3 teeth are most commonly missing in hypodontia patients?
Lower 5s
Upper 2s
Upper 5s
How does hypodontia present to the GDP?
Big midline diastema
Teeth not erupting/exfoliating in expected sequence
Tapered and small teeth
Absence of deciduous tooth
What are the treatment options for hypodontia?
Restorative only- bridges, implants, dentures
Ortho only
Combine orthodontic and restorative- open space/close space
Who are the members of the MDT that treat hypodontia?
Ortho specialist
Restorative dentist
Paediatric dentist
When should you start to palpate for canines?
Age 9
How is position of canines localised?
Vertical parallax
What radiographs are used for vertical parallax?
OPT and occlusal
What age should intervention for ectopic canines be carried out?
Age 11
How long after extraction of C should we review an ectopic canine to check for eruption?
6 months
What are the treatment options for an ectopic canine when the C has already been extracted?
Buccal apically repositioned flap with bone removal
Palatal open exposure with bone removal
Buccal or palatal closed exposure with gold chain attachment
Extraction of 3
What is a supernumerary tooth?
Presence of an extra tooth
Where is a supernumerary most likely to occur?
Midline of maxilla
What are the 4 types of supernumerary, how are they distinguished?
Conical- cone shaped
Tuberculate- barrel shaped
Supplemental- extra tooth of normal dentition (usually smaller and asymmetrical)
Odontome- irregular mass of dental hard tissue
-> Compound and Complex
What is the effect of supernumeraries on the dentition?
Delayed eruption
Failure of teeth to erupt
Traumatic eruption
What are the signs of thumb sucking habit?
Proclined upper anterior
Retroclined lower anteriors
AOB/incomplete open bite
Narrow upper arch (may have unilateral posterior xbite)