ORSA 3 Flashcards
Greenstick fracture
often seen in children; bone doesn’t break all the way through and instead becomes sharply bent
Impacted fracture
one bone fragment is driven into another bone fragment
avulsion fracture (of the greater tubercle of the humerus)
the tendon or ligament pulls off a piece of the bone; a small part of the tubercle is avulsed (torn away)
fracture of the surgical neck of the humerus
especially common in elderly people with osteoporosis
bicipital myotatic reflex
biceps reflex is tested in PE examinations; deep tendon reflex; examiner’s hand is wrapped around arm at level of cubital fossa and thumb is held strongly on biceps tendon; then the reflex hammer is tapped strongly onto examiner’s thumb to test for the reflex in the patient
fracture of humoral shaft
can be midhumoral fracture or supra-epicondylar fracture (fracture of distal humerus near supra-condylar ridges)
venipuncture in the cubital fossa
median cubital vein is usually selected for blood sampling, transfusions, IV injections
fracture of olecranon
“fractured elbow”; often considered to be an avulsion fracture
coxa vara/coxa valga
all about the angle of inclination between the long axis of the femoral neck and the femoral shaft; when this angle is decreased, it is coxa vara (mild shortening of the hip); when angle is increased, it is coxa valga
transcervical femur fracture
fracture in the middle of the neck
intertrochanteric femur fracture
fracture between the greater and lesser trochanters
intracapsular femur fracture
occur within the hip joint capsule
spiral femur fracture
rotating force is applied along the axis of the bone resulting in a diagonal cute through the bone; results in foreshortening of the bone and it may be comminuted, meaning bone is broken into lots of pieces
transverse stress fracture
occurs in lower third of the tibia, often when people engage in activities that they are not conditioned for
fractures of lateral and medial malleoli
often associated with fracture-dislocation of the ankle joint, usually when the ankle is forced into an inversion position; fracture of the tibia and fibula
transverse patellar fracture
patella split into 2 pieces; superior part is pulled upwards and lower fragment remains attached to patellar ligament
patellar tendon reflex
tap patellar ligament with reflex hammer causes knee to swing forward
calcaneal tendon reflex
ankle jerk reflex; calcaneal tendon is struck with reflex hammer
plantar reflex
tested during neurologic exams; lateral sole of the foot is stroked with a hammer in a continuous motion across the foot towards the great toe
acromioclavicular joint separation
disrupted acromioclavicular joint
anterior dislocation of humeral head
humeral head usually lines up with the “Y” of the scapula, but is pushed forward with a gap in between
isolated ulnar fracture
aka-nightstick fracture; single fracture across the mid portion of the ulna
complete dislocation of proximal interphalangeal joint
dislocation occurs between the proximal and middle phalanges
Boxer’s fracture
fracture at the neck of the fifth metatarsal; seen in patient that punched the wall
Knee effusion
detect by looking at patella and seeing anterior displacement of dark fat line by soft tissue or water density