Orpheus Vocab Flashcards
ad oras tendit
he stretched to the shores
ad Styga est ausus descedere
he dared to descend to Styx
est ausus is perf
ad superas auras
to the upper breezes
adfuit ille quidem
that one indeed was present
an sit et hic dubito
whether he is here I doubt
sit is pres subj of esse in ind quest
arduus, obscurus, caligine densus
steep, dark, dense with shady mist
aut citius sedem properamus ad
or more quickly we hurry to one
citius is comp adv
avidusque videndi
and eager of seeing
videndi is gerundive in gen
avidusque videndi
and eager of seeing
videndi is gerundive in gen
bracchiaque intendens prendique
et prendere certans
both stretching her arms and
struggling to be taken hold of and
to take hold of
intendens and certans both pres
part; prendique is pass inf
causa viae est coniunx
the cause of my path is my wife
crescentesque abstulit annos
and he stole her increasing years
crescents is pres part acc pl
croceo velatus amictu
having been covered with a yellow cloak
velatus is perf pass part
cura dolorque animi lacrimaeque
alimenta fuere
the care and grief of his soul and
tears were his nourishment
fuere is syncopated fuerunt
exitus auspicio gravior
the ruin was graver than the omen
was is understood; gravior is comp
adj; auspicio is abl of comp
famaque si veteris non non est
mentita rapinae
and if the rumor of the old
abduction is not a lie
fax lacrimoso stridula fumo usque
the torch was hissing straight on
with tearful smoke
stridula is pred adj with fuit
flexit amans oculos
the loving one bent his eyes
iamque iterum moriens
and now dying again
moriens is pres part dep
in quam calcata venenum vipera
into whom a viper having been
stepped on poured venom
quam is acc after in implying
motion; calcata is perf pass part
inde per inmensum aethera
from that place through the
immense upper air
aethera is Greek sing acc
nam nupta per herbas dum nova
for while the new bride wanders
through the grasses
vagatur is 3 rd pers sing dep