Oropharynx (Jaw) Flashcards
What are the 2 elevators of the mandible?
Masseter and temporalis
What are the gliders of the mandible?
Medial and lateral pterygoid
Action of the lateral pterygoid?
Action of medial pterygoid with bilateral contraction?
Elevate, protrude.
Action of pterygoid with unilateral contraction?
gliding side to side
What are the 3 laryngeal elevators/mandible depressors?
digastric (ant & post belly)
What is the function of the pharynx?
-resonating chamber for speech
-critical for swallowing and pushing food down into stomach
What are the 3 pharyngeal constrictors?
- Superior constrictor
- Middle Constrictor
- Inferior Constrictor (2 parts)
Action of the constrictors (superior, middle, thyropharyngeus)?
Constricts the pharynx during swallowing and velopharyngeal closure
Innervation of superior, middle, and thyropharyngeus?
CN 11 (XI)
What is the weakest constrictor?
What are the 2 inferior constrictors?
Thyropharyngeus and cricopharyngeus
What is the thickest + strongest constrictor?
-Function of cricopharyngeus?
Keeps esophagus closed at Upper Esophageal Sphincter, at rest
-pharyngeal branch, eSuperior Laryngeal Nerve and Recurrent Laryngeal Nerve of X
Describe salpingopharyngeus
From eustachian tube down to the pharynx
-elevate pharynx when contracted to help push food