Orofacial Manifestations of CT disease & radiation Flashcards
Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (SLE): General
- Autoimmune dysfxn
- produce abnormal auto antibodies
- deposits immune complexes in tissues & organs
- multi system inflammation
- produce abnormal auto antibodies
- Females→ child bearing age
- F:M 7-10:1
- Mild to severe
- No remission:
- Exacerbated and quiescence periods
What parts of our body does SLE affect?
- Kidney
- Brain
- BVs
- Muscles
- Joints
- Eyes
Systemic Lupus Erythematosus: Criteria
- Malar Rash
- Discoid Rash
- Photosensitivity
- Oral ulcers
- Arthritis
- Serositis
- Renal Disorder
- Neurological Disorder
- Hematological disorder
- Immunological disorder
- Antinuclear antibody
SLE: Malar Rash
- Fixed erythema
- flat or raised
- molar eminences (cheeks)
- spares nasolabial fold
SLE: Discoid Rash
- Erythematous raised patches w:
- keratotic scaling
- follicular plugging
- Older lesions→ Atrophic scarring
SLE: Photosensitivity
- abnormal rxn to sunlight
- Skin rash
- on exposed areas
- abnormal reaction to sunlight
SLE: Oral Ulcers
- Oral or nasopharyngeal ulceration
- Painless
SLE: Arthritis
- Non-erosive
- 2 or more peripheral joints
- Tender, swollen, or effusion
SLE: Serositis
- Pleuritis
- pleuritic pain hx
- rub heard by physician or
- evidence on radiograph or CT
- Pericarditis
- ECG or
- evidence of pericardial effusion
SLE: Renal Disorder
- Persistent proteinuria> 0.5 mg/day
- or > 3+ on dipstick or
- cellular casts
SLE: Neurological disorder
Rule out other causes
- Seizures
- Psychosis
SLE: Hematological Disorder
- Hemolytic anemia
- Leukopenia
- Lymphopenia
- Thrombocytopenia
SLE: Immunological disorder
- ANti-DNA antibodies
- Anti-Sm antibodies
- (+) anti phospholipid antibodies
SLE: Antinulcear antibody
- Abnormal ANA titer (antinuclear antibody)
- immunofluorescent method
- No other causes (Drug Induced Lupus)
SLE: Oral Manifestations
- Erythematous Lesions w:
- white plaques
- radiating peripheral lines
- Erythema and inflammation
- due to vasculitis
- progress to ulcers
- Lips & mucous membranes
Salivary Gland pathology
- Hyposalivation
- focal parotid necrosis
- Primary salivary gland lymphoma is possible
SLE: TMJ- Clinical vs radiographic
- Clinical:
- Locking/dislocation
- tenderness to palpation
- crepitation
- pain when moving mandible
- Locking/dislocation
- Radiographic presentations: (FOES)
- flattening
- erosion
- osteophytes
- sclerosis
SLE: Trigeminal Sensory Neuropathy
- Present initial or slowly develops overtime
- facial numbness
- paraesthesia
- dysesthesia
- pain
- Possible Other CN involved
SLE: Headache
- Tx as primary headache
- Study: 57% of pts
- Other study: No difference in HA b/w control and SLE patient
Drug Induced Lupus: General
- Drugs:
- Minocycline
- hydralazine
- procainamide
- Caucasions
- Less female Predilection
- Criteria:
- Fever
- malaise
- arthritis or arthralgia/myalgia
- serosisits
- rash
- (+) anti-nuclear antibodies
- Kidneys and Brain not involved
- Tx: Stop taking offending med
Drug Induced Lupus: Oral Manifestations
- Erythema/inflammation
- due to vasculitis
- progress to ulceration of Lips and mucous membranes
- due to vasculitis
- Erythematous lesions
- w/white plaques/radiating peripheral lines
Rheumatoid Arthritis: General
- Chronic Systemic inflammatory disease
- synovial membrane inflammation
- etiology: unknown
- Viruses
- Genetic predisposition
- autoimmune response
- produces proinflammatory Cytokines (TNF & Interleukin-1/6)
- F:M→ 3:1
- onset: 25-50 years old
- peak: 4th/5th decade
Rheumatoid Arthitis: Inflammatory Process
- Proinflammatory cytokines
- interleukin-1 & 6
- Affects articular surface of small joints in Upper and Lower Extremities
- synovial tissue
- capsule
- tendons
- ligaments
Rheumatoid Arthritis: Extra-articular manifesations
- Pleuritis
- pericarditis
- Peripheral neuropathy
- Dry eyes
- Dry Mouth (Secondary Sjogren syndrome)
- Scleritis
- Felty syndrome w:
- splenomegaly
- neutropenia
- recurrent infections
Rheumatoid Arthritis: Criteria for Classification
meets 4 out of 7 crieria; Criteria 1-4 present for 6 weeks
- Morning Stiffness in joint
- Arthritis
- 3 or more joint areas
- Arthritis of hand joints
- Symetric arthritis
- Rheumatoid Nodules
- Serum rheumatoid factor
- Radiographic changes
Rheumatoid Arthritis: TMJ
- most common
- Synovial inflammation & CT degeneration
- Symptoms:
- Bilateral Pain
- exacerbated by function
- Preauricular region
- tender
- swollen
- Stiff when waking up
- Limited ROM of mandible
- intracapsular joint sounds (Crepitus/clicking)
- Fibrous or bony ankylosis
- Bilateral Pain
- Radiographic evidence:
- none at early stages
- joint effusions
- disc displacements
- abnormal condyle
- erosion
- flatten
- sclerosis
- subchondral cysts
- osteophytes
Rheumatoid Arthritis: Symptoms
- Increased perio
- Disease progression= ⇡ destruction of condyles