ORM Flashcards
ORM- i
Increases our ability to make informed decisions by providing the best baseline of knowledge and experience available
ORM- m
Minimizes risk to acceptable levels, commensurate with mission accomplishment. The amount of risk we will take in war is much greater then we should be willing to take in peace, but the process is the same. Applying the ORN process to reduce mishaps, lower costs, and provide for more efficient use of resources
A condition with the potential to cause personal injury or death, property damage or mission degradation.
An expression of possible loss in terms of severity and probability
Risk assessment
The process of detecting hazards and assessing associated risks
5 step process
Identify hazards Assess hazards Make risk decisions Implement controls Supervise
Is a decision-making tool used by people at all levels to increase operational effectiveness by anticipated hazards in reducing the potential for loss, thereby increasing the possibility of a successful mission.
Head protection
Safety helmets protect against impact, penetration, and electric shock. Head hazard areas are designated where there is reasonable possibility of head injury caused by cuts, bumps, falling or flying objects, and from limited electric shock and burns. Industrial head protection appropriate to exposure shall be worn during the entire work shift by Marine Corps personnel assigned to hazardous or hardhat areas. Any other personnel entering head hazardous areas shall wear appropriate protection
Hearing protection
Hearing protection devices shall be worn by all personnel when they enter or work in an area where the operations generate noise levels of greater than 84 dB (8 hour TWA) sound level 140 dB peak sound pressure level or greater a combination of insert type and circumferential hearing protection devices (double protection) shall be worn in all areas were noise level exceeds 140 dB (8 hour TWA) sound level. Additionally all personnel exposed to gunfire in the training situation or two artillery, mortar, or muscle firing, under any circumstance, shall wear hearing protective devices
Foot protection
All Marine Corps personnel occupationally exposed to foot hazardous operations or areas shall be furnished appropriate safety footwear at organizational expense. Foot has its operations are those, which have high incidences of, or potential for, foot or two injuries. Some of these operations or areas include; construction material handling, maintenance, transportation, weapons, supply warehousing. Vehicle maintenance facilities, aircraft maintenance , Fuels, and avionics
Explain the four principles of ORM
accept risk win benefits outweigh the cost. accept no unnecessary risk.
Anticipate and manage risk by planning.
Make risk decisions at the right level
Eye protection
Marine Corps personal working in a eye hazardous areas identified in PPE survey shall be provided adequate Eye protection shall be provided at the governments expense.
Hazardous material
Any material that, because of its quantity, concentration, or physical or chemical characteristics, may pose a substantial hazard to human health or the environment when incorrectly used, purposefully released, or accidentally spill
Hazardous waste
A discarded material (liquid solid or gas) which meets the definition of hazardous material and or is designated as a hazardous waste by the environmental protection agency or state authority
Our technical bulletins containing information about materials, such as consumption, chemical, and physical characteristics, health and safety hazards, and precautions for safe handling in use.