Origins Of The Cold War Pt.1 Flashcards
When was the Tehran Conference?
November 1943
What was the Tehran conference?
The Grand alliance first met in Tehran to plan a winning strategy to end the war
What was the Grand alliance?
The Grand alliance was formed between the USA, the Soviet Union and Britain to mastermind the defeat of Germany and Japan in the Second World War
Agreements at Tehran
. The USA and Britain would open a Western Front by launching an attack against Germany in Western Europe
. Stalin would declare war on Japan once Germany was defeated
. Poland to receive land from Germany but the Soviet Union could keep land it has seized from Poland in 1939
. An international body to solve problems by discussion was agreed (this would become the United Nations).
When was the Yalta Conference?
February 1945
What was the Yalta conference?
Two years after the Tehran Conference, the Big Three held a second meeting to discuss winning the war and the government of post-war Europe at Yalta in the Soviet Union.
Agreements at Yalta
• After the war, Germany would be split into four zones. They would each
be controlled by a different power, the USA, Britain, France and the Soviet Union.
• A United Nations would be set up
• Germany would pay 20 billion in reparations
• Stalin agreed to join the war against Japan
• Future governments of countries in Eastern Europe would be decide in free elections
Disagreements at Yalta (and signs of tension)
Poland proved to be the stumbling block at the conference. It was agreed that the borders of Poland would be returned to their position in 1921 (which would give the Soviet Union significant gains)
and that there would be free elections. However, Stalin expected those elections to bring about a pro-communist government, whereas the British supported the non-communist London Poles.
Disagreements at Tehran (and signs of tension)
Stalin was suspicious that the western allies had deliberately delayed the Second front in the West so that the Soviet Union would be weakened
They also disagreed about a Second front in the Balkans
Roosevelt seemed at times to view British Colonialism as more of a threat than the Soviet Union.
When was the Potsdam Conference?
July- August 1945
What was the Potsdam Conference?
A conference between Stalin, Truman and Attlee post war.
Agreements at Potsdam
• Germany would be divided into four zones, administered by the Soviet Union, the USA, Britain and France, but the German economy would be run as a whole.
• Berlin would also be divided into four zones, controlled by different countries, even though it was based well inside Soviet-controlled Germany.
Disagreements at Potsdam (and signs of tension)
Agreement was not reached over the government of Eastern Europe. Truman objected to the control that the Soviet Union had over the countries it had liberated from Nazi rule. He was beginning to see the Red Army as an army of occupation. However, without risking further war, there was little Truman could do.
Truman also objected to the arrangements for Poland and the borders that had previously been agreed. He wanted to see a new government with less communist influence.
Communists believe that all property, including homes and businesses, should belong to the state, to ensure that every member of society has a fair share. Communism is based on the writings of Karl Marx and was the political ideology of the Soviet Union.
Capitalists believe everyone should be free to own property and businesses and make money. The USA’s economic ideology was capitalist.
Soviet Union: Key features
Single-party rule
Classless society (everyone is equal)
All property owned by the state, not individuals
Rights of all workers more important than individual rights
USA and Britain: key features
Free elections with a choice of parties
Some people havemore power than others
Private ownership and a competitive workplace
Individual freedoms valued but limited by majority opinion.