Origins of cold war Flashcards
What was the grand alliance?
Why was it formed?
When was it formed?
Was there a change in how the countries saw each other?
- The grand alliance was formed between the USA, the Soviet Union and Britain.
- It was formed to mastermind the defeat of Germany and Japan in WW2
- The alliance was formed when 4 million German troops invaded the Soviet Union in June 1941. Despite an non-aggressive pact between the two.
- There was no change in how the 3 countries in the grand alliance viewed each other.
How did the countries in the grand alliance view each other?
USA and Britain, remained suspicious of communism, and Stalin realised that the west would not want to let the Soviets become stronger.
The outcomes of Tehran conference?
What was the date?
November 1943.
The Tehran conference had an important impact on international relations. Stalin felt USA and Britain were deliberately delaying a ‘second front’ against Germany so the Soviets became weaker. He became pleased when the ‘second front was put up in the West. But Churchill was not as he wanted it in the Balkans. But Roosevelt sided with Stalin.
Who was there tension between after the Tehran conferences? Why?
There was some tension between USA and Britain- especially as Roosevelt seemed to view British Colonialism- as more of a threat to world peace than the Soviets
What agreements were made at Tehran?
USA and Britain would open a second front by launching an attack on Germany.
- Stalin would declare war on Japan
- They discussed what to do with Germany after the war.
- There was a general agreement that an international body should be set up to settle things between countries
Outcome of Yalta?
February 1945
Roosevelt and Stalin were pleased to get agreement on free elections and United Nations.
Agreements made at Yalta
After the war, Germany would be split into 4 zones between France,USA,Britain and soviet union.
-A united nations would be set up.
Change in personnel before Potsdam conference?
Roosevelt died in April 1945 and was replaced by Harry Truman. Winton Churchill was replaced by Clement Attlee.
Outcome of Potsdam
The 3 countries relations worsened as the new leaders disagreed with Stalin unlike the last 2 leaders.
Impact on US-Soviet relations after development of atomic bomb?
The development of this bomb drastically increased Cold War tensions as both countries continued to develop bombs to be in front of each other.
Impact on US-Soviet relations after Longs Telegram
After the American government heard that Stalin wanted to see the destruction of capitalism. The American government believed there should be a determined policy of containment to stop communism spreading.
Impact on US-Soviet relations after Novikov Telegram
Novikov’s telegram said US wanted to dominate the world wit military power. Stalin believed he needed to strengthen protection in Eastern Europe.
Impact on US-Soviet relations after creation of Soviet satellites.
Truman saw this as evidence of Stalin trying to spread communism worldwide and relations between the two worsened.
The development of cold war.
What was the Truman Doctrine?
12 March 1947
Truman announced an economic aid package to Greece and Turkey. Truman announced he was going to provide $400million to them and sent American civilians and military personnel to the region
Impact of Truman Doctrine on US-Soviet relations?
Truman used this opportunity to make a clear statement of what he saw as the difference between democracy and communism. The Truman Doctrine signalled the beginnings of new approach to international relations for USA. USA were setting up as leaders for fight against communism.
What was the Marshall plan?
It was a practical outcome of the Truman Doctrine:providing economic aid to help war-torn countries in order to stop communism taking over Western Europe.
The significance of Cominform
1947/Cominform(the communist information Bureau) was a political organisation set up on Stalins orders. Cominform was a way for Stalin to stay in control of the satellite states. Cominforms first meeting rejected the Marshall plan and began to accuse America of being the same as Nazi’s
What was Comecon?
Comecon (the Council for Mutual Economic Assistance) it provided aid in line with communist principles. It was established on 25 January 1949.
Why was Comecon formed?
Stalin wanted to keep communist states to keep their independence from capitalist countries. He also knew he needed to keep the satellite states happy.
What was the significance of Comecon?
Stalin’s actions increased tension and played a significant part in the USA and western countries. This ended in the creation of a new military alliance, NATO
What is NATO
North Atlantic Treaty Organisation. Made in April 1949.
Formation of NATO
In April 1949, the USA, Britain, France and 9 other western countries joined together in the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation. The members agreed if any member was attacked, all members would come to their assistance.
The division of Germany
At Postdam, The Grand Alliance agreed to divide Germany, and Berlin(capital). They divided it into 4 zone. The division was meant to be temporary but lasted for many years.
What was ACC’s role in Germany’s division?
They were the central organisation for the four zones.
Berlin crisis
What is the Berlin Blockade?
In June 1948,Stalin decided to shut off land routes across Soviet-controlled Germany into Berlin.
Why did Stalin do the Berlin Blockade?
Stalin knew that the Western-occupied zones of Berlin were vulnerable, as they were entirely surrounded by Soviet-occupied territory. He wanted to show splitting Germany would not work and if successful it would help him proceed to getting more control over West
What was the Berlin Airlift?
The Western allies flew food, coal and other necessities into the allied zones of Berlin
Why didn’t Stalin shoot down the planes?
Stalin couldn’t as he would have been seen as the aggressor and would had possibly started another War.
Was the Berlin Airlift successful?
Yes. On 9th May 1949 (nearly a year later), the Soviets gave in and lifted the blockade.
The Federal Republic of Germany
West Germany. 3 days after the end of the blockade France,England and USA joined their 3 zones together to create the state of The Federal Republic of Germany.
What was ACC?
The allied control commission