Origins of cold war Flashcards
What were the main political and economical features of the USA?
- Democratic system of government
- Capitalist economy
- Freedom of speech, movement etc.
What were the main political and economical features of the USSR
- Could only vote for members of communist party called the supreme soviets which had no real power
- Individuals seen as less important than the society as a whole
- USSR owned all industry
Teheran conference- when, who, what (agree/disagree)?
- 1943
- The big three (Stalin, Roosevelt, Churchill)
- Soviets could have a sphere of influence in eastern Europe
- Undecided about what to do with Germany- Churchill and Roosevelt wanted to rebuild it to trade, Stalin wanted to weaken it so they couldn’t invade
- Cracks started to show
Yalta conference- when, who, what (agree/disagree)?
- February 1945 (defeat of Germany is inevitable)
- The big three
- Germany would be divided into four zones; USA, France, Britain and USSR, Berlin would be divided in the same way
- Countries of Eastern Europe would be allowed free elections but heavily influenced by Stalin
- USSR join war against Japan
- Hunt down and try Nazi war criminals
- Creation of UN
Potsdam conference- when, who, what (agree/disagree)?
- July- August 1945 (war still on in Japan)
- Truman, Attlee and Stalin (Didn’t get on well)
- Nazi party banned
- Demilitarise and democrasise Germany
- Britain and USA denied Stalin a naval base in the Mediterranean
- Still disagreements over reparations for Germany
- Stalin had set up communist govt in Poland
- Atom bomb testing created tensions
When had it become clear that Europe had been divided?
What were the satellite states?
Nations that rely on and obey the wishes of a larger, more powerful country
In the 1940s, satellite states had gone from Nazi to Soviet dictatorship after Soviets left troops in them after liberations
What did Stalin do to ensure communist govt in Eastern Europe?
He rigged elections and beat, murdered, or frightened into submission opponents of communists
By what year had all Eastern European countries become communist?
What was containment?
Using US influence and military resources to prevent the expansion of communism into non-communist countries
What was the ‘Long Telegram’?
A secret telegram from America’s ambassador suggesting that Stalin was determined to destroy capitalism
What were the causes of Truman Doctrine and when was it established?
1947, Truman didn’t like Stalin, he believed he was spreading communism and it would spread to the west
What were the key features of Truman Doctrine?
Containment, military threat and force and endorsing captalism
What were the consequences of Truman Doctrine?
USA threatened to drop the atom bomb, and USSR angry so wanted to push communism further
What were the causes of the Greek civil war?
Much of Greece was poor so communism was attractive
What were the key features of the Greek civil war?
- Between royalists and communists
- Britain funded royalists but couldn’t afford to so USA stepped in
- Greece was in eastern Europe so Stalin wanted it to be communist
What were the consequences of the Greek civil war?
- USA became involved in European affairs
- Royalists won so USSR lost so USA could gloat
What were the causes of the Marshall aid and when was it established?
- 1947-51
- Countries in economic struggle turned to communism so if they are helped they remain capitalist
- America seen as good guys as they are helping everyone
What were the key features of Marshall aid?
- USA offered to aid all of war-torn European countries (Britain received most)
- They offered money, equipment and goods, so in return they would buy US goods and allow US companies to invest
What were the consequences of Marshall aid?
- USA make USSR seem bad
- USSR angrier
- USA even offer money to USSR
- Stalin prevented eastern Europe from taking the money (except Yugoslavia)
- Widened the gap between east and west
What were the causes of Cominform and when was it established?
- 1947
- Response to the Truman Doctrine by USSR
- Coordinating communist parties in Eastern Europe
- Controlling ideas and information
What were the key features of Cominform
- Censorship and propaganda
- Wanted countries to become communist
What were the consequences of Cominform?
- Trying to control each other’s ideas
- Gap widened even more
What is Cominform?
The communist information bureau established in 1947 to exchange information among 9 eastern European countries and coordinate activities
What is Comecon?
The association of soviet oriented communist countries set up in 1949 to coordinate economic development
What were the causes of Comecon and when was it established?
- 1949
- Soviet response to Marshall aid
- Soviet union controlling eastern European countries’ economies
What were the key features of Comecon?
-Stalin made different countries specialise in different industries which meant that they didn’t have well rounded industries
What were the consequences of Comecon?
- co-dependent-relied on each other
- Strengthened soviet union control
- USSR and USA annoyed at each other