Origins of Brain and Behavior Flashcards
a living tissue, body organ, apart of the nervous system and the most complex organ
an action, momentarily observable but fleeting
specialized nervous system cells engaged in information processing
Glial Cells
nervous system cell that supports the function of neurons; provides insulation, nutrients, and support. and aids in repairing neurons and eliminating waste products
Biological psychology
psychology + physiology + mind + body + behavior
Descartes and Dualism (D+D)
Mind and body interaction via pineal gland; philosophical positions that both a nonmaterial mind and a material body contribute to behavior
Descartes Test
uses language/memory to reason; humans can pass the test because we have consciousness and minds
The problem with Dualism
What are the rules about language? Dolphins(MNFP) communicate with one another and chimpanzees use sign language
Hobbes and Darwin and Materialism (HDM)
If all species are related, so must be their brains and so must be their behavior; philosophical theory that behavior can be explained as a function of the nervous system without recourse to the mind
mind is what the brain does
Consciousness William James
a certain amount of brain physiology must be presupposed or included in psychology; electrical impulses and chemical signals between brain cells (neurons) produce behavior and introspective thought
Consciousness Donald Hebb
no consciousness without the cortex but can’t conclude that it has nothing to do with conscious processes
Consciousness Francis Crick
Neural activity is “you”
explanation for behavior as a function of the nonmaterial mind