Origins and Meanings Flashcards
What is creation ex nihilo?
Creation out of nothing
Before God created the universe, nothing existed. Only God can create out of nothing.
What is Evolution?
The process of mutation and natural selection
This leads to changes in species over time to suit particular events.
What is Imago dei?
Made in the image of God
The belief that human beings are uniquely a reflection of God’s personhood.
What is Inspiration?
God breathed
The belief that the spirit of God guides an individual to act or write what is good and true
What is Omnipotence?
The belief that God is all powerful.
What is revelation?
The word used to describe all of the ways in which God makes himself known to human beings.
Christians believe that God does this finally and fully in the person of Jesus Christ.
What is Stewardship?
The duty to care for creation responsibly, as stewards rather than consumers.
To protect it for future generations.
What is Transcendence?
Existing outside of space and time
God exists in a way that makes him nothing like anything else that exists.
What is the creation of Adam?
Creation of Adam is a painting on the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel in the Vatican in Rome by the artist Michaelangelo.
What are some parts of the painting ‘Tree of Life’?
The Evangelists at the top - Matthew Mark Luke and John, Important individuals is spreading the Good News.
Alpha and Omega - First letters and last letters of the greek alphabet. They symbolise Christ. God is the beginning and the end, he is eternal.
Jesus on a black cross - Black to emphasise the brightness of the figure showing Jesus’ Sacrifice is about life and hope not despair.
Jesus as a lamb - Jesus is the lamb of God.
What are the parts of the painting ‘Creation of Adam’?
Adam is surrounded by the Earth and the dust he was made from - God is all powerful and the creator of humans and the Earth.
God stretching his hand out - God is the giver of life, Life is special and belong to God.
Michelangelo painted Adam and God as similar physical beings - The reflection of the image of God, not looking like him but reflect his qualities.
What is the Catholic Social Teaching?
Principles that the Catholic formed which deals with issues of social justice, poverty and the dignity of people.
What do Catholics believe about justice and peace?
Justice is the basis of Catholic social teaching which aims to ensure that all people can live in a world where they are treated fairly and have equal opportunities.
What is Gaudium Et Spes?
Papal document written by the Pope
What is interfaith dialogue?
Interfaith dialogue describes communication between people of different faiths.
What is Cafod?
the official aid agency for the Catholic Church
How does CAFOD help?
They provide emergency aid in places
Support people through long term aid
Teach people how to support themselves. - Teaching a man how to fish.
What do Catholics believe about the Big bang?
The big bang is not a coincidence, God made it happen, this is how he created the universe.
What is Richard Dawkins’ view on the Theory of Evolution?
Evolution is more logical and makes more sense than a God creating all life on earth.