Good and Evil Flashcards
What does incarnation mean?
- “made flesh”
- The christian belief that God became man in Jesus.
What is evil?
- The absence of good
- This is at the expense of others which often results in suffering.
What does privation mean?
- The loss of something that is normally present
- St Augustine said that Evil is a privation of good.
What is suffering?
- Pain or loss which harms human beings
- Some suffering is caused by other human beings (moral evil); some is not (natural evil).
What is goodness?
- The quality of being like god.
- Seeking the well being of others selflessly.
What is free will?
- The decision-making part of a person’s mind: the will.
- Free will is when a person is able to choose from right and wrong without being controlled by other forces.
What is natural law?
- The laws of right and wrong are the same for all people, in all places, at all times.
- All humans can discover the natural law.
What is ‘Conscience’?
- Human reason making moral decisions.
- The knowledge we have of what is right and wrong given by God.
What is the ‘Trinity’?
God in three forms.
The father
The son
The holy spirit.
What is a quote for the Trinity?
‘The trinity is One. We do not confess three Gods, but one God in three persons.’ - CCC 253
Why is the Trinity important to Christians?
it shows that God is different to humans. God is beyond human understanding.
What is St Augustine’s analogy of love?
God the father is the lover, God the son is the beloved, and God the Holy Spirit is the love between the two. Love cannot exist on its own, just like the trinity. They are united by love.
What do Jews think about the Trinity?
They reject the trinity as they believe Jesus was not God.
The Trinity sounds like a polytheistic religion, this does not abide by Jewish belifs.
What is Original sin?
When Adam and Eve ate the fruit of the Tree of knowledge. All humans have a desire to do bad things and disobey God. It is removed when u baptise.
What is the inconsistent triad?
The theory that all three of these exist: God is Omnipotent, God is Omnibenevolent, Evil exists.
What is moral evil?
This is suffering caused by human actions.
What is natural evil?
This is suffering caused by events which have nothing to do with humans.
What do Christians think about the inconsistent triad?
Suffering could be a punishment from God.
A test of faith, to test and strengthen our faith.
God’s plan - he allows evil to exist as a part of his greater plan of love.
What did Richard Swinburne say about the problem of evil?
(Moral and Natural evil)
Moral evil is the result of human beings being able to choose their own actions, Evil is misusing our free will.
Natural evil is the result of moral evil of Adam and Eve. They caused evil in a perfect world.
What does ‘privation of Good’ mean?
A belief that there is no evil, there is just a lack of goodness in humans.
How is God shown as fair?
When he allowed for Original SIn to happen, he did this to show he is loving by being fair and just.
What is a virtue?
A virtue are qualities that you develop/practice overtime.
What is St Irenaeus + Hicks Soul-making theory?
God purposely made us imperfect so we can grow our virtues to make our souls closer to God.
What do Catholics say about suffering?
it will always be hard but not always evil. Suffering can lead to strength. Jesus suffered, which us Catholics look up to.
Why did Jesus die on the Cross?
To save our sins and get rid of original sins. He did it for the forgiveness of our sins, He brings us back to the relationship with God.
Give a quote on the significance of Jesus’ death.
“Dying he destroyed our death, rising he restored our life.
How does Jesus’ suffering and death affect Christians today?
It gave us another chance to reconnect with God.
How is Jesus a source of Moral Authority?
since he is the incarnate son of God, he has the authority of God.
What are the beatitudes?
A list of 9 blessings that teach Catholics what characteristics will be rewarded by God - said by Jesus.
What are the five main precepts?
Worship God
Ordered Society
Defend the innocent.
What is a pilgrimage?
A journey to a holy site for religious reasons. It gives pilgrims a sense of spiritual renewal and helps them feel closer to God.