origins and meaning Flashcards
imago dei quote
“let us make mankind in our image”
the big bang - catholics quote
“let there be light”
evolution pope
“there is no conflict between evolution and the doctrine of faith”
catholic stool Jesus quote
“not all things Jesus did is written down”
moral decisions quote
“do not kill”
“in the beginning God created the heaves and the earth”
humans are free to make moral decisions
“you are free to eat from any tree but from the tree of knowledge”- God
preserving life catholics
“before i formed you in the womb i knew you”`
stewardship genesis quote
“the lord God took a man and put him in the garden of Eden to work it take care of it”`
love your neighbour quote
“whoever claims to love God yet hates a brother or sister is a liar”
stewardship humanist
“good without God”
revelation and inspiration
“all scripture is inspired by God”
adam painting quote
“God formed a man from dust of the ground and the man became a living being”
tree of life quote
“the leaves of the tree are for the healing of the nations”
justice quote- pope
“there will be no peace or justice in the world until we return as creatures and children of God”
cafod- good Samaritan
“go and do likewise”
svp quote
“love our neighbour as our selves”