judaism Flashcards
shema prayer
“the lord is one”
creation- god
“in the beginning God created the heavens and the earth”
jewish belief about creation
“blessed be He who spoke, and the world existed”
God as Judge quote
“you are not a God that has pleasure in wickedness”
“the promise of descendants
“i will make you into nations”
“you shall be circumcised through the flesh of your foreskin”
“remember the Sabbath to keep it holy”
creator of life
“let us make man with our image and likeness”
tree of life
“it is a tree of life for those who grasp it”
free will
“without your consent you were born”
the messiah
“the messiah will come”
“the messiah would be greater than David”
shema prayer
“you shall love Adonai your God”
“they shall make a sanctuary for me- so that i may dwell among them”
shekinah- people
“whenever ten are gathered for prayer, there the shekinah rests”
covenant with abraham- making him great
“i will make you into a great nation”
covenant with abraham- circumcision
“you shall be circumcised in the flesh of your foreskin”
“for i command you to keep his commandments, decrees and laws.”
yetzer ha tov
the urge to do good
yetzer ha ra
“the urge to do evil”
life after death
“from dust you are to dust you shall return”