Origins and Meaning Flashcards
Who explored the idea of creation ex nihilo?
St Augustine
What did St Augustine say about creation ex nihilo?
“From nothing, then you created heaven and earth”
What truths are shared between the genesis accounts?
- God made everything that exists
- Everything God made was good
- Humans were the final act, but the most important
What are Jewish views on Creation?
God is the source of all life. Some Orthodox Jews may take the accounts seriously.
What is the study of the origin of the universe?
Who first put forward the Big Bang Theory?
A Catholic Priest, Father Georges Lemaitre.
Who developed the Big Bang Theory?
Stephen Hawking.
What are the main points of the Big Bang Theory?
- The universe is 15 billion years old
- Before this nothing existed
- Hawking concluded there is no evidence of a Creator
Who developed the theory of evolution and natural selection?
Charles Darwin
What has Richard Dawkins said about creation?
“You could not be sane and well educated and disbelieve the theory of evolution.”
Who stated that there is no conflict between evolution and the teachings of the Christian faith?
Saint John Paul II
Why are humans different to other animals?
- Created in the image of God
- Immortal soul
- Free to make moral choices
Who talked about imago Dei?
St Catherine of Siena
What is St Catherine’s most famous work?
The dialogue of divine providence, a conversation between god and a soul trying to make her way to god.
What are the three messages that come from St Catherine’s writing?
- Humans originate from God: “she is in the image of God”
- Conscience
- Love: “for by love indeed you created her”
SOWA against abortion.
“Before I formed you in the womb I knew you” (Exodus)
What is Peter Singer’s view on the value of life?
A human person is one that can reason, feel, hope, and make moral choices. It is morally acceptable to take the lives of non-person humans.
What is Peter Singer critical of?
The Catholic view that human life is more special than any other kind.
What is the Catholic response to Peter Singer?
- God gives all humans a soul, whether they are conscious or not
- Humans have a special dignity
What does Genesis 1 tell us about God?
- Transcendant: “In the beginning God created”
- Eternal
- Omnipotent: “Let there be light”
What does Genesis 2 tell us about God?
- Omnibenevolent
- Immanent
What do the creation accounts tell us about humans?
- Sanctity of life: God breathed life into Adam
- Imago Dei
- Male and Female: “be fruitful”
- Free will: “you are free”
- Stewards of God’s creation: “work it and take care of it”
In what encyclical does Pope Francis talk about Stewardship?
Laudato Si
What reasons does the Catholic Church give for caring for the envirionment?
- Love your neighbour as yourself: the greatest commandment
- The Common Good
- Universal Destination of Goods: “you shall not steal”