Good and Evil Flashcards
What is moral evil?
Evil caused by human choices.
What is natural evil?
Evil that happens naturally.
What is one explanation for natural evil?
In Genesis, Adam and Eve commit the original sin. This is called the Fall because from that point humans fell from the perfect state they were made in.
What may original sin be a metaphor for?
All humans have a tendancy to be tempted and to sin.
What three answers does St Augustine give for the problem of evil?
- The existence of evil helps us to appreciate the good
- Evil is just the privation of good
- God can make a greater good out of suffering
Who is another Christian who talked about the problem of evil?
John Hick
What did John Hick say about the problem of evil?
God deliberately made an imperfect world so that humans could learn and grow to come to perfection.
What do Jews think about the problem of evil?
People are born with the inclination to do good, and to do evil. God gives humans choices.
Who presented the inconsistent triad?
David Hume
What answers to evil does John Mackie reject?
- Evil is necessary as an opposite to good
- Evil helps us to become better people
- Evil is a consequence of free will
What story in the Bible tells us suffering is a mystery?
The book of Job.
Where in the Bible are all three persons of the Trinity present?
In the baptism of Jesus.
Where in the gospels is a clear expresson of the Trinity?
The end of the gospel of Matthew, Jesus instructs his followers to baptise people in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.
Who explored the Trinity as an expression of love?
St Augustine
Trinity referred to as “The Word”:
John 1
“The Word was with God”
“The Word was God”
“The Word became flesh”
What does the Kenosis Hymn state?
Jesus emptied himeslf of his equality with God when becoming a human being.
Who said that Jesus’ death on the cross helped him understand our pain?
Pope John Paul II
Where are the Beatitudes?
In the Sermon on the Mount in Matthew’s gospel.
What is Natural Law?
The belief that above all human systems, there is a moral law that every human understands.