Originally Flashcards
Red room
Carriage on train
Symbolism of exile/ imprisonment
Connotations of anger and rage
Which fell though the fields
Falling suggests scared, helpless, out of control
Mother singing
Shows she is trying to calm children
Fathers name
He isn’t there with them
Fields… turn of the wheels
Internal rhyme
Sense of nursery rhyme and rhythm
Word choice
Missed by everyone
Repetition with enjambement, capital letters and italics reinforces the sound and confusion and add to the tense atmosphere
As the miles rushed back to the city
Shows her thoughts - she is trying to recall home, where she wants to be
The street, the house, the vacant rooms
List decreases until she is, in her mind, back in her room
Word choice of house shows realisation
Where we didn’t live anymore
Sense of anguish and pain
I stared
Contrasts with brothers noise
She is reflective and quiet suggesting she feels shocked
Blind toy, holding its paw
Word choice blind is symbolic of her feeling that she cannot see where she is going
Holds for comfort as her link to home
All childhood is an emigration
Short philosophical statement, universal truth
Carries some authority because it is based on experience
Some are slow … you know stays
Sentence elongated over three lines to emphasise the slow nature of growing up
Defeated, content to endure- negative connotations
Where no one you know stays
Feeling isolated and sense of strange unknown
Others are sudden.
Short sentence
Abrupt change emotional impact reflects meaning
Your accent wrong
Language is the same but dialect and accent are important as it makes her stand out
Word choice
Places that are alien to her in her new environment and in growing up
Big boys
Childish language showing link to childhood as she reflects
My parents anxiety stirred like a loose tooth
Link to growing up - loosing teeth
Suggests a change - the move
Shows parents concern
I want our own country
Plaintive appeal to her parents
Conjunctive - unusual start to stanza
Changes perspective overall
You forget
Involving reader
Universal truth
Or … or
Repetition to emphasise different changes
Seeing…swallow.. slug
Letter s repeated = sibilance
Demonstrates the brother has adapted and is fitting in
Scots dialect contrasts acknowledgment that she is also fitting in but still links to home
Shedding its skin like a snake
She accepts that she has changed her accent but she is feeling that this is shameful/deceitful
River, culture, speech, sense of first space
List emphasises different things she has lost
Where do you come from?
Philosophical reflection on the bigger question
What makes us who we are and where do we get a sense of beginning
I hesitate
Shows she feels uneasy about claiming either place but also shows she isn’t as attached to home as she was