Mrs Midas Flashcards
It was late September
Short declarative sentence to set scene
Factual, matter of fact
Word choice
Sense of calm, warm domesticity
Suggests soft, comforting atmosphere
Steamy breath
The kitchen is personified
Harsher sound contrasting earlier atmosphere
The dark of the ground seems to drink the light of the sky
Sense of foreboding through use of dark and drink which remove the light
“Drink” personification
-We grew fondante d’Automne-
Duffy eludes to the colour gold
Parenthesis- extra detail suggests humerus undertone in that she is almost showing off a bit. Proud
Like a lightbulb. On.
Simile suggests shape of a pear and light from it (gold)
Short sentence, single word
Is he putting fairy lights in the tree?
Rhetorical question, incredulous and slightly comical
The doorknobs gleamed
Whimsical, pretty
Doesn’t fully realise what’s happening, quizzical
Detailing the changes as she sees them
He drew the blinds
Back to the factual narrative account
Passive shock, not reacted yet
Field of the cloth of gold
Historical event between the kings of England and France
Miss macready
Could link to the poet personas history teacher
Could also be a reference to iconic 60s TV star with golden hair
Like a king
Links to the field of the cloth of gold
Reference to king Midas
Sense of superiority and greed
Strange, wild, vain
List emphasises how his character has frighteningly changed
What in the name of god is going on
Colloquial term - adds to realism and contemporary nature of poem
He started to laugh
In this moment he is oblivious to any negative consequences
He was standing… he came into the house… he drew the blinds… he sat in that chair…he started to laugh
In the first part of the poem the emphasis is on him
I served up the meal
Factual, domestic
Still shocked
The teeth of the rich
Links to greed
The corn kernels resemble teeth
Shaking hand
Physical reaction
Starting to realise
Links to former comfortable lifestyle showing they didn’t need more - greed
Suggests death of the relationship
Glass, goblet, golden chalice, drank
List is progressive from the ordinary to the extraordinary
Guttural alliteration suggests drinking sounds
I started to scream. He sank to his knees
Full realisation hits them both
Turning point
I finished the wine…I made him sit… I locked the cat… I moved the phone… I didn’t mind… I couldn’t believe my ears
Repetition of personal pronoun showing her taking control of the situation - empowerment
Contrasts the repetition of “he” from before
Keep his hands to himself
No physical contact, he can never touch her again
Shows beginning of loneliness and solitude
The toilet I didn’t mind
Gold toilet is decadent but funny
Look, we all have wishes; granted
Accepts and acknowledges that it is normal to wish for things
- but who has wishes granted
Word play emphasises abnormality of the wish literally being granted
Single word
Sarcastic, annoyed
Do you know about gold?
Rhetorical question
Implore reader to understand he significance and enormity
It feeds no one
Subverts or challenges the traditional connotations- we don’t usually associate gold with food
Word choice
Colour reference to gold