Organolanthanide Chemistry 2 Flashcards
For which elements which are not expected to have 2+ OS have molecular precursors of divalent organometallics been found
- Thulium 4f13
- dysprosium 4f10
- Neodymium 4f4
Why are lanthanides not good at back donation
- Don’t have appropriate symmetry orbitals
How can you access +2 OS for Thulium, Dy, Neodynium
- Add I2 1eq- careful with stoichiometry
- Use DME solvent
- Forms somewhat stable isoloble Dy2+ halide
- Incredibly reducing
- More than Sm
How can you tell Sm-N is an adduct and not proper compound
- In crystal structure N-N bond length is the same as if it were a gas - no reduction
- Also if dissolve in donor solvent e.g. THF, THF displaces N and get bis-THF adduct of Sm2+ and lose Nitrogen
Why would Tm show 2+ OS
- 4f13
- 6 unpaired electrons with same exchange energy as Sm
Why do Sm and Dy show +2 OS
1.3rd Ionisation potentials are potentially high enough
What happens when you react TmI2(DM3)3 + Cyclopentadienyl in N2
- Synthesis of bulky cylopentadienyl derivatives of Tm(II) and Dy(II) results in coordination and reduction of an N2 unit.
- This is accompanied by oxidation of the M2+ centre to M3+
- Not an adduct
- The [N2]2- is bound in a side-on fashion by the [Cp’2M] units
- The ionic nature of the bonding is emphasised by the formation of a THF adduct without loss of N2.
How can you get the rest of the Lns to the +2 OS
- Careful reduction of tris –trimethylsilylcyclopentadienyl lanthanides with potassium graphite 2. allowed the isolation of the first Ln2+ derivatives as [Cp′3Ln]- anions of almost the entire remaining lanthanide series.
Describe properties of [Cp’3Ln]- compounds
- All very deeply coloured - no like normal Ln
- [Cp’3La]- ueff= 1.73 BM
- 1.73 BM spin only magnetic moment- not Lande- from where 1e- where s=1/2
- Shows not reduction of f-orbitals but donation of electron into empty d-orbital - 4f05d1
- Us= root(n(n+2)) = root(3)
Describe electronic configuration of 2+ OS
- All [Cp′3Ln]- except for Sm2+, Eu2+, Tm2+ and Yb2+ are rationalised as having a 4fn5d1 ground state.
- i.e. magnetism shows orbital angular momentum of 5d electron is quenched by trigonal ligand field.
- In contrast Sm2+, Eu2+, Tm2+ and Yb2+ are rationalised as having a ‘normal’ 4fn+1 configuration.
- This reflects the variation in the 4f –> 5d promotion energies.
Where does the extra electron reside in [Cp’3Ln]- for all elements except Sm, Eu, Yb, Tm
- For [Cp′3Ln]- with 4fn5d1 ground state, the ‘extra’ electron resides in the 5dz2 orbital
- which is stabilised by the trigonal ligand field. i.e. a classic crystal field effect.
Describe crystal field effect that results in 4f-5d promotion energies
- When you bring in carefully substituted ligands
- Drive dz2 so far down in energy that it low enough to put an electron in
- 4fn 5d1
- Except for Yb, Eu, Sm, Tm
What are the deep colours in [Cp’3Ln]- caused by
- Arise from allowed 5d to LUMO MLCT
- Metal ligand charge transfer
- 5d to ligand transfer of electrons
What element is involved in high oxidation state Ln organometallics
- Ce4+
Why is carbon bad at high oxidation state Ln organometallics
- Not very electronegative
- Easily oxidised
What was first ligand used for high OS Ln organometallic chemistry
- Cyclooctatetraene (COT)
Describe COT
- Anti aromatic system - 8 Pi electrons
- one eta8-COT ligand will satisfy two metal valencies.
- It is also sterically demanding and thus ideally suited to the formation of complexes with lanthanide ions.
- Not planar
How can you make COT stable and planar
- Requires 2 electrons to achieve its stable 10 electron aromatic form
- COT2-
- COT + 2K –> COT2- (K+)2
Describe property of COT2-
- Decent donor- used for Transition metal chemistry
- Sterically demanding
What compounds do Lns form with COT
- All the lanthanides form trivalent compounds of the type K[Ln(eta8-COT)2]
- while only Ce forms a neutral sandwich molecule [Ce(eta8-COT)].
How do you form K[Ln(eta8-COT)2]
- React COT2-K+2 with LnCl3 in diglyme - salt metathesis
- Produces K[Ln(eta8-COT)2] + 3KCl
How do you form cerocene
2. Add AgI to K[Ce(eta8-COT)2] - oxidation
3. Produces cerocene + Ag + KI
How do you go from cerocene to K[Ce(eta8-COT)2]
- Add K/diglyme
Describe properties of cerocene
- The oxidation state of cerocene is apparently 4+.
- However recent calculations and experiments have indicated that the Ce is best regarded as 3+ (ie [Xe]4f1 complexed by two COT1.5 ligands)- Ligands oxidised not Ce
- As in all lanthanide organometallics the Ln-C bonding is best regarded as essentially ionic.
- Contrasts quite markedly with the situation observed in actinide COT derivatives.
What true Ce4+ compounds have been made
- Cp3CeX
What are the two ways you can make Cp3CeX
- Salt metathesis - relies on a range of Ce(IV) Salts
- Oxidation
Describe salt metathesis to produce Cp3CeX
- Ce(OtBu)2(Cl)2(THF)2 + 2 KCp
- Produces Cerium bisalkoxide compound
Describe oxidation to produce Cp3CeX
- CeCp3 + 0.5 PhICl2 –> CeCp3Cl + PhI
- Colour change from yellow to black
- Very low yield
What often happens when trying to produce Cp3CeX via oxidation
- Often see side reactivity especially with perturbed sterics