a management function that provides the relationship between people and the activities that they will undertake as to fulfill their organizational objectives.
an entity that results from people joining together in pursuit of a common cause.
defined as self-contained collection of interacting interdependent components, working together toward a common purpose.
Organizational System
Organizational Concept
Herd, Man to Man, and Social Concept
working class are “faceless automations” who could be coaxed and coerced to perform
Herd Concept
-uses authoritarianistic measures in the implementation of rules and regulations and the corresponding punishment.
-the rule is “obey now, question later”
-the leader yields exclusive power to decide and enforce unquestionab
Herd Concept
-the working class is under the direct personal relation with his superior
-the superior gives direct delegation of authority and responsibility to the subordinates.
Man to Man Concept
-the superiors and subordinates are members of the team
-each problem is viewed in terms of the over-all effect of the laboratory
-the relationship of the members is “Man to his group”
Social Concept
Process where group is formed, including the lines of communication channeling of authority, span of control and making decision.
Organizational Structure
Types of organizational structure
Flat, Pyramid, Bureaucratic, Shared Governance
decentralized, span of control and authority is widened
Flat OS
centralized structure
Pyramid OS
oldest and simplest form, rule centered, associated with chain of command.
Bureaucratic OS
combination of flat and pyramidal type
Shared Governance
Characteristic that Represents individual or subunit responsible for a given task
Division of Labor
Characteristic Who reports to whom and by what authority
Chain of Command
Specific group of people to handle
Span of control
Level of management position
Top, middle, low
- Formal – direct rel. , uninterrupted
- Informal – dotted line, coordinated relationship
Organizational relationship
- officially sanctioned lines of authority assigned by the owners of the organization.
- the members of this group know whom they work, whom they supervise, how their department relates to other groups and even who supervise their boss
Formal groups
- alliances that form outside the boundaries of the formal bureaucracy from the interaction and allegiance of people with common interests.
Informal groups
Functions of Organizational System
Input, Transformation, output mechanism
- it is the power of act
- is linked with power, influence, knowledge, control and with responsibility
- should go hand-in-hand to ensure harmonious flow of organizational energy toward completion of its task and mission.
- Line Authority
- Staff Authority
- Functional Authority
Authority taking the straight-line route from administration to dept. head, to supervisor to the staff.
Line Authority
exercised through such staff department as a business and personnel dept. those that provide supportive services in a more direct fashion
Staff Authority
- exercise control within the boundaries of profession’s specialty
- this type of authority is shown by when physicians write prescription orders to patient
Functional Authority
- the need to delegate authority and shared responsibility is related to the concept of span of control
Delegation of Authority
grouping together of related activities to expedite the production process
Process of having the decision-making process close to those who are actually performing the work
States that each individual has only one BOSS
Unity of Command
involves concept of chain-of-command and
career ladder
Scalar Principle
number of individuals one person can effectively supervise within the limits of specific work conditions
Span control
allows the manager and staff to do their job without having to check with a supervisor about every details
Exception principle
the setting of a long-term goals and objectives for the number and types of personnel needed to meet the labor requirements of the laboratory
matching the people presently working in the laboratory with current workload requirements
The primary determinant in the staffing decision is the level of service expected from each unit and the resulting workload
Staffing levels
The important aspect of staffing is to make certain that employees are properly trained to perform their assignments.
Performance Training
Jobs are the link between people and organization.
Job Design
- a summary of important or significant about a particular job
-assist the administration in the determination of salary classification
-lends orderliness to job performance
Job Description
-is a summary in abridged form of the formal education, skills and experience required to perform the duties of the job
-represents the requirements for employment in a given job.
-consists of set of factors or parameters of the personnel to match most efficiently to the demands of the job.
-vital in recruitment to reduce wasteful over and under qualification of applicants
Job specification
a physicians or holder of bachelor’s degree or higher in a science discipline with the corresponding experience.
in a moderate flexibility laboratory, same as director qualification
Technical Consultant
in high- complexibility laboratories, the same general qualification apply as the technical consultant
Technical supervisor
a physician or a doctoral level scientist
Clinical consultant
- a laboratorian with an associate degree or
higher in medical laboratory technology - 2 years of training and experience in a
High-complexity laboratory
General Supervisor
a person performing tests in high-complexity laboratory must have at least as associate degree
Testing Personnel
- The important stop if introducing the employee to his/her new environment comes after selection and hiring process.