Organized Crimes Quiz 11/1 Flashcards
- acquire business thru illegal activity
- dishonest ways of getting money
- racketeers don’t like gang criminals; prefer to operate in a hierarchy alone
- take protection money from businessmen
ex. murder, kidnapping, arson, extortion
Syndicated Crime
- syndicate > group of individuals/organizations
- syndicates create their own business procedures
- avoid violence
- society knows syndicate members as respectable citizens & high-status ppl
- operate in metropolitan areas
- leaders gather at fixed place to discuss problems
Gang Criminality
- gangs operate on large scale
- hard criminals are the members of the group
- don’t hesitate to kill or use violence
- use modern arms
- criminals are disciplined but dangerous
Types > street. biker, prison
Ex. MS-13, Hells Angels, Crips, Bloods
a system or organization in which people or groups are ranked one above the other according to status or authority
Antisocial Personality
- 2-3% of population
- 80% male
- genetic & environmental influences
- a deeply ingrained & rigid dysfunctional thought process
- delay of gratification, no remorse
Dependent Personality
- fear of abandonment or separation (clingy behavior)
- needs others to assume responsibilities for major life activities
- helpless, submissive, need to be taken care of
the action or fact of treating someone unfairly in order to benefit from their work.
Whistle Blower
a person who informs on a person or organization engaged in an illicit activity
demanding payment or another benefit from s/o to not reveal damaging info abt them
a person who institutes legal proceedings against someone.
the practice of persuading someone to do something by using force or threats
absolute loyalty to family
- 1970 > Racketeering Influence & Corrupt Organizations
- Act passed
- Gave authorities much more broad power to target entire criminal enterprises
- Now able to connect bosses for involvement
Activities of O.C.
- narcotics distribution
- gambling
- prostitution
- illegal sale or distribution of fire arms
- money laundering
- kidnapping
- human trafficking
- bank robberies
- blackmailing
- loan sharking
Characteristics of O.C.
- hierarchy structure
- planning
- division of labor
- violence
- effective control of its members
- not limited to illicit services
Structure of Mafia Family
, a boss, an underboss, lieutenants, and soldiers.
Mafia Rules
- Omerta
- Never rat
- Cannot add membership - only replace those who die
- Lifetime obligation
- Mafia becomes over own family
- no wife fooling around
- be respectful
- no narcotics
- a made man can only be killed on the orders of boss or broken rule
- police n over agents cannot be whacked unless dirty
Political Infiltration
- participating in political campaigns
- buying votes for candidates & corrupting democratic election process
- lobbying other politicians for support using bribery and blackmail
- blackmail
- creating debts
Department of Justice
- founded in 1870
- mission is to uphold the rule of law, to keep our country safe, and to protect civil rights
Federal Bureau of Investigation
- training in Quantico, Virgina (HQ)
- work w DOP
- securities & exchange commission
- internal revenue service
- commodity futures trading commission
- treasury department’s financial crimes enforcement network
- use intelligence, science, tech., and other tools to investigate federal crimes and terrorism
EX. cyber crime, violent crime, public corruption, white collar crimes, explosives
Drug Enforcement Administration
- enforce the controlled substance laws and regulations of the US involved in the growing, manufacture, or distribution of controlled substances appearing in or destined for illicit traffic in the US
Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives
- law enforcement agency in the US’ Department of Justice that protects our communities from:
- violent criminals, criminal organizations, the illegal use and trafficking of firearms, and storage of explosives, acts of arson and bombings, acts of terrorism, and the illegal diversion of alcohol and tobacco products
International Criminal Police Organization
- an international organization that facilitates worldwide police cooperation and crime control. It is the world’s largest international police organization.
Examples of Famous Mobsters, Asian Activity, Mafia Families, Al Capone, 5 families, etc.
- Russian Mafia
- Asian Criminal Enterprises
- San Francisco gangs
- Bloods & Crips