Organizational Psychology References Flashcards
Aldefer (1972)
ERG (existence, relatedness and growth) theory,
suggesting satisfaction could lead to progression to the next stage and frustration could lead to regression. Different from Maslow because a something can be motivating for reasons from more than one category.
People conform with stooges if a group of them all give the same response about which line is the same length as another line (3 options)
Suggests effective teams have a mixture of skills. There are 9 roles: IMP (implementer), CO (Coordinator), SH (shaper), PL (Plant), RI (Resource Investigator), ME (Monitor evaluator), TW (team worker), CF (Completer, Finisher). In virtual business 14. situations a combination of rules was a better at determine success than a teams IQ.
Cooper (1994)
Found fewer accidents occurred in a field study at 14 departments of a factory after the goals had been
13 set according to Latham & Lock’s advice.
Cziesler (1982)
Investigate the effect of slow shift rotations with self- reports and found less stress, better quality sleep
and increased productivity in factory workers.
Fiedler (1976)
Suggest a match between a leader trait style and the demand of the situation are important. The trait style can be measured using the least proffered worker questionnaire. Lower scores suggest task- orientated leadership and high score relationship orientated. The analyse the situation in terms of leader-member relations, task structure and leaders position of power and consider if there is match between the situation and trait style. (see for brief but detailed explanation).
Fox (1987)
Token economy (stamps traded at a local store for goods) led to a reduction in accidents and damage to equipment with a sample of American miners.
Greenberg & Branson (2008)
Suggest that group think can be reduced by using 4 21. stragergies.
Investigating work performance and fading light in the environment but surprisingly found work performance increased. Suggested that extra attention and the social dynamic could have caused an improvement in the results, suggesting psychological investigation on performance might have a placebo like effect.
Heresy & Blanchard (1988)
Situational leadership model, suggesting that task control and closeness to workers should vary depending on the situation. The leader may respond by participating, delegating, selling or telling, depending on the situation.
Hygiene factors such as salary, security and relationship with workers are not motivators but are expected. Internal motivators such as recognition, achievement, personal growth are examples of real motivators.
House (1979)
Path goal theory suggests that leaders can use one of the following styles depending on the situation. (directive, participative, achievement orientated, supportive).
Judge (2002)
Meta-analysis of workers rating for their leaders on the Big 5 personality questionnaire. Extraversion was found to be a significant predictor.
Knutson (2003)
Shift work is associated with social problems and disruptions of sleep. Consequently, the workers have health problems (Gastrointestinal problems, Cardio-vascular disease, Cancer, Diabetes).
Latham & Lock (1984)
Goal setting theory: Challenging, Commitment, Clear, Achieve bale, Effective feedback.