Organizational dynamics Flashcards
change management
- the organizational change is transitioning an organization from current state toward a desired future state
- -> forces for a change can be competition, social trends, world policies, economic shocks etc…
Types of changes
- planned change
- emergent change
- episodic change
- continuous change
–> most changes are related to extent of a change whether it is seen as organic (bottom-up) or driven (top-down)
planned change
- is defined as alternation or modification to the organization which prepares in advance for the improvement of present state
- change that a company actively seeks
- if not planned changes are seen as accidental occurrence
- seek to change behavior and improve ability to adopt to change its environment
emergent change
- change that forces the organization to accept and integrate
- occurs mostly because of major surprise and causes members to respond in a highly disorganized
- may occur when chief leaves the firm, public relation problems occur, poor product performance quickly leads to loss, other disruptive situations
episodic change
- is closely associated with planed change
- is discontinuous and intermittent
- something to be carefully planned
(e. g. one big change after one year)
continuous change
- is closely associated with emergent change
- change is a way of life
- pretty much consistent
- company is non static entity
- ever changing, ever evolving and ever unfolding
Barriers to change
- Individual Barriers (feeling of insecurity, interpretation by individual cognitive system)
- Group Barriers (group thinking, group norms…)
- Organizational Barriers (Power/conflict between departments, fixed systems of value )
- -> resistente against changes if people assume change is threatening their security status
- Barrier can be localized in behavior, emotions and cognitive
Taktics with change resistance
- Education & Communication
- Participation
- Building Support & Commitment
- Develop Positive Relationships
- Implementing Changes Fairly
- Manipulation & Cooperation
- Selecting People who Accept Change
- Coercion (direct threats or force on the resisters)
Managing organizational change
- Lewins three step model
Old state –>
- Unfreeze: awareness of need for change
- Chance: movement from old stage to new stage
- Refreeze: Assurance of permanent change
- -> new stage
Kotter´s 8-Step plan
- useful change is associated with a multistep process that creates sufficient power and motivation to overwhelm all sources of inertia
1. Create reasons why there is a need form change
2. Form a coalition with enough power to lead the change
3. Create a new vision
4. Communicate the vision
5. Empower others to act
6. Plan for + create short term wins
7. Consolidate improvements and make necessary adjustments
8. Reinforce the change
Organizational development (OD)
- -> is a collection of change methods that try to improve organizational effectiveness + employee well being
- Methods: value human + organizational growth, collaborative + participative processes, spirting of inquiry
- -> can be used to unfreeze change and refreeze behavior and attitude to improve effectiveness
- Underlying values in mist OD efforts: Respect, trust, support, power equalization, confrontation, participation
Total quality management
- -> opportunity to continuous improvements of processes
- seeks to integrate and motivate employees to formulate and accept improvement suggestions
- Quality circle: Group of workers who are doing the same work, meet regularly (identify, analyze and solve work-related problems)
–> leads to creation of culture for change by creating a learning organization or stimulating an innovate culture
Innovative Culture
- Is a specialized kind of change
- So all innovations imply change, but not all changes necessarily introduce new ideas or lead to significant improvements
Sources of Innovation
a. Organic structures positively influence innovation
b. Long tenure in management is associated with innovation
c. Innovation is nurtured when there are slack resources
d. In innovative organizations inter-unit communication is high
Learning Organization
- „All organizations learn, whether they consciously choose to or not. It is a fundamental requirement for their sustained existence“.
- proactively manage change is to make continuous growth part of its culture
Characteristics of a Learning Organizations
- shared vision that everyone agrees on.
- People discard their old ways of thinking and the standard routines
- Members think of all organizational processes, activities, functions, and interactions with the environment as part of a system of interrelationships.
- openly communicate without fear
- sublimate their personal self-interest
Change through Networks
- change agent needs to be central in the informal network, the nature of network should match with type of change and had close relationship with fence-sitters to become more efficient
Team dynamics
- A group is defined as two or more freely interacting individuals who share collective norms and goals and have a common identity
- can be formal (formed by organization) or informal (evolves naturally) group
- Social networks are social entities and the relations between them
- group size: high qualified decision 3-5 people, if larger group leader tend to become stricter due to communication overload and satisfaction decline
- are sets of behavior that people expect from occupants of a job or an instance
- Challenges:
Role overload (more roles than needed),
Role conflict (people expected another role)
Role ambiguity (chose the wrong role for your message)
dynamics: another role model which combines psychology with knowledge: Power-, relationship-, process-, technical- promoter
- unspoken and often unwritten sets of informal rules that govern individuals behavior in a group
- influence the attitude, behavior, feelings, opinions and actions of people
–> they help organization to survive, clarify/simplify behavioral expectations, help to avoid embarrassing situations and clarify central value or unique identity
Group development
- Tuckmans group development + formation process (forming, storming, norming, performing, adjourning)
- no group is forever
- -> unhealthy groups should be separated: can be done by giving exercises to person who is important but triggers group members by not telling them
Challenges in Groups
- Social loafing (tendency for individual effort to decline as group size increases)
- The Asch Effect (pressures of group opinion)
- Groupthink (Prevent: each member should be assigned the role of critical evaluator)
- Organizational Climate and Stereotypes
- Stress & Burnout
- Collaboration