Organizational (Culture) Communication Flashcards
Organizational Culture
*The essence of organizational life; *It is an intricately designed web of associations; Members must adapt their communication behaviors to fit within the overall organizational culture
Perspectives on Organizational Communication
- Functional/Traditional
- Interpretive
- Critical
Understand organizations through the eyes of an effective manager
Understand organizations through the eyes of its members
Understand organizations through the eyes of the marginalized members
Communication Networks in Organizations
- Centralized
- Chained
- Decentralized Network
A few central members link communication within a group; *Pros: Efficient for simple tasks, Central person is satisfied. *Cons: Non-central members are less satisfied , Central person could be overloaded, Limits inventiveness
Some members communicate with others only indirectly through others; *Pros: Extends membership inputs to the group, Reduces unnecessary participation of specialized members. *Cons: Potential for miscommunication is high, Peripheral members are less committed
Decentralized Network
All members communicate directly with all other members. *Pros: Increased satisfaction, Increased inventiveness, Better performance on complex tasks. *Cons: Time consuming
Assumptions of Organizational Culture Theory
- Members create and maintain a shared sense of organizational reality
- The use and interpretation of symbols are critical to an organization’s culture
- Cultures vary across organizations
Symbols of Organizational Culture
Physical, Behavioral and Verbal Symbols
Physical Symbols
Art/Design/Logo; Example: For Rutgers its the block “R”
Appearance material objects
Behavioral Symbols
Ceremonies/Ritual Traditions/Customs Rewards/Punishment
Example: Rutgers Graduation Ceremonies every year, they never change; or how Frat & Sororities recruit new members
Verbal Symbols
Anecdotes/Jokes Jargon/Names/Nicknames explanation stories/Myths/History Metaphors
Certain Jokes are important to organizations
Organizations as Communicative Performance
Organizational life is like a theatrical presentation in which supervisors and employees take on various roles
Types of Performance
Ritual, Passion, Social, Political and Enculturation
Metaphor suggesting that organizational life is like a theatrical presentation
Ritual Performance
Regular & recurring presentations in the workplace
Passion Performance
Organizational stories that employees share w/ one another
Social Performance
Organizational behaviors intended to demonstrate cooperation & politeness
Enculturation Performance
Organizational behaviors that assist employees in discovering what it means to be a member of an organization
Political Performance
Organizational behaviors that demonstrate power or control