Organizational Culture and Change Flashcards
Organizational Culture
- the shared beliefs, values, and assumptions that exist in an organization
-determine the norms that develop and the patterns of behavour that emerge from these norms. - CULTURE → NORMS → BEHAVIOUR
- ‘way of life’
Culture is like an Icebeg
-At the surface you have behaviors, underneath are the beliefs, values, and assumptions.
- In order to change behavior, change the deeper levels (values, beliefs, assumptions underlying the behaviors).
- Fairly stable
Interpreting Culture: Artifacts
- material symbols
- rituals
- stories
- language
Material Symbols
Visible representations of values and/or beliefs
Ex - office layout, logos, clothing/uniform, decor, etc.
- Behaviours that are engaged in repeatedly by organization members
- Ex - going out for happy hour, celebrating bdays, casual fridays, monday meetings, teasing new people, etc.
- Narritives that are shared among organization members
- Ex - stories of how the company came into being, folklore about the founder, stories about employee mistakes, etc.
Shared terminology - slogans, metaphors, sayings
Why is Culture Important? What does it tell members?
Culture acts as a framework that guides the interpretation of experience and the choice of action
why is culture important - 2 primary functions
External Adaptation
Culture helps members solve problem
Culture is taught to newcomers
Culture strongly influences behavior
External adaptation
Helps guide employees to meet goals
External adaptation
Helps guide employees to meet goals
Helps employees understand the attitudes, knowledge, and behaviors that are necessary to function in the organization.
Collective versus individual
., training in groups
Formal versus informal
formal training for newcomers vs. informal socialization for both newcomers and existing employees
Sequential versus random
The degree to which the org provide clear and identifiable steps for the socialization process